how many more years can I get out of her?

Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
For years as I was a kid my Dad and I went to boat shows looking for small cruising powerboat you could use on a trailer as a "camper" and also on the water. He died at 62 and never pulled the trigger. I ran "spreadsheets" for years and could never justify the "cost" of a big sailboat (that's the engineer in me) but like my Dad I dreamed of having one. I had a heart attack at 47. Lots of spreadsheet between 40 and 60.

At 60 or so, I found a boat my wife and I both liked in New Rochelle New York and the price/condition was right so we flew to New York to look at it. When I got back I ran the spreadsheet anyway and concluded it was not a "wise" use of money. My wife said "BUY THE D$%M BOAT." Almost named it that. You either need to enjoy working and fiddling with a boat in addition to using the boat or it will become a chore. My wife doesn't quite understand that. Buying a boat is an emotional decision and if you are worried about it being a sound financial decision, you will never buy one. Just my 2 cents.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
While that looks like a big number, I suspect a monthly golf membership would be at least that much. I further conjecture that if you rented a storage shed to hide your nonelectric Power Car in SoCal that too might exceed your sailboat slip fees.

Putting a price on our hobbies is missing the point of enjoying the fruits of our labors.

It is the grape harvest time up here.

I have enjoyed many a wonderful bottle of Pinot Noir wine over the past year. I still love to go to the winery and watch the harvest. The Grape stomping event.

And a glass of wine.
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Sep 18, 2024
Catalina 25 Jamacia Bay
For years as I was a kid my Dad and I went to boat shows looking for small cruising powerboat you could use on a trailer as a "camper" and also on the water. He died at 62 and never pulled the trigger. I ran "spreadsheets" for years and could never justify the "cost" of a big sailboat (that's the engineer in me) but like my Dad I dreamed of having one. I had a heart attack at 47. Lots of spreadsheet between 40 and 60.

At 60 or so, I found a boat my wife and I both liked in New Rochelle New York and the price/condition was right so we flew to New York to look at it. When I got back I ran the spreadsheet anyway and concluded it was not a "wise" use of money. My wife said "BUY THE D$%M BOAT." Almost named it that. You either need to enjoy working and fiddling with a boat in addition to using the boat or it will become a chore. My wife doesn't quite understand that. Buying a boat is an emotional decision and if you are worried about it being a sound financial decision, you will never buy one. Just my 2 cents.
I’m sorry for the loss of your dad, but I’m glad you did end up fulfilling his dream of having a sailboat I’m sure he would be happy, and great advice thank you
Feb 19, 2008
Catalina Capri 18 ann arbor
I've put a fair amount of time and money into the Capri 18 that I bought for a couple thousand bucks 10 years ago.
I've seen people who went crazy and did a complete re-fit. The boats look better than new, but holy cow that seems like a lot of work. Also, the most it's been out of commission because I was working on it was a month. I didn't want to spend three summers working on it and not sailing.

I'm guessing I've poured $3K into my boat, $1500 was the new outboard. I enjoy the projects almost as much as the sailing.

I think my after my labors my boat looks good, is safe, and sails well.
Jun 21, 2022
Catalina 385 Tiverton
Since I'm late to the party I'll simply ask... what did you decide?
It looks like you have some wonderful opportunities to extend her life and further enjoy your 'partnership'. If that will bring you joy, the money won't matter.
Personally, I found no time in my life as pleasant as my time aboard and at sea. THAT is priceless!
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
A lot of sailers and boaters get negative 2 fortitude as they age. Smaller, more simple and less intrusive financially begins to look better and better as you get older.