How Far Do You Heel....?

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Feb 14, 2005
Tayana 37 cutter; I20/M20 SCOWS Worton Creek, MD
I think the REAL answer of heeling is based on 'experience from heeling' and what ACTUALLY happens to the boat when its really heeled over. You can 'theorize' until the cows come home; but, if you dont occasionally purposely push the limits slowly and occasionally, you will never slowly and gradually 'master it' and 'enjoy' it.

If you dont push the limits you really wont have the experience of what happens, how to correct, how the boat performance degrades (or improves), etc. when the boat goes over ... and this is a realm of 'developed' comfort factor. Once you increase your comfort factor by constant practice at over-heeling and realize that heeling is not the jaws-of-death that youre sailing into, you may start to really 'enjoy' over-heeling now and then.

On a keel boat with a stout companionway (closed to prevent the cockpit from filling and then downflooding through the open companion way and into the boat) or being daring with an open boat (pfd on, and checked that when turtled that the boat 'will float' when swamped/over and sometimes having a large pfd hanked to the backstay so that you can "swim-out" the pfd to the top of the mast to prevent the mast from pointing straight down, etc.) ... simply go out and SEE what actually happens beyond your current comfort level and gradually build the confidence that comes with aggressive heeling. Experiment with sail shape and trim, and the various reefing positions and combos. ENJOY yourself ... it really isnt all that 'bad' when 'heeled well over' ... it can actually be 'fun'.

I think that for most boats, you'll be surprised at how far over you can effectively sail and how the boat begins to harden-up and resist the heeling forces .... the resistance to heeling gets greater the further over the boat heels ... in most cases.

This would be similar to any 'extreme sport' ... where you dont as a 'beginner skier' jump off a 50 ft. high cliff into the air and expect to survive; but rather, gradually increase your 'adrenalin tolerance level' in increasingly small steps until you become conditioned, then tolerant, then acclimated, then finally - "Holy S#iT this is wow/neat!".
This confidence and mastery comes with continually forcing the 'envelope' and that will bring increasing mastery and confidence ... and you'l be out sailing more and with less 'stuck to the dockside' time.
Slowly build confidence as you can SEE/FEEL/OBSERVE what the boat can do, how the boat reacts and behaves ..... and how you can begin to enjoy and master it ... and you eventually *become one with the boat*. Without continually building up confidence (in over heeling, etc.) it would be like having an auto that can do 170 mph ... and you limit your speed to 35 mph.

Just dont go beyond 90° over or have your spreaders in the water .... often.

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Jul 18, 2009
marine clipper 21 ft santa ana Southern Lakes,Yukon
if your heeling very hard and let go of the tiller will she turn up into the wind on its own..??


Sep 28, 2008
Hunter 41DS Punta Gorda, FL
if your heeling very hard and let go of the tiller will she turn up into the wind on its own..??
Douglas, most modern sailboats are designed to "round up" when they are over powered. If you are "heeling very hard" you are no doubt overpowered. So yes if you let go she will round up.
Jul 18, 2009
marine clipper 21 ft santa ana Southern Lakes,Yukon
Douglas, most modern sailboats are designed to "round up" when they are over powered. If you are "heeling very hard" you are no doubt overpowered. So yes if you let go she will round up.

thanx Nodak...
Oct 10, 2009
Catalina 27 3657 Lake Monroe
We sailed yesterday in a nice breeze, around 8-10 knots. Full sail, genoa cars up, we heeled at around 20 degrees as we worked to windward. The boat seemed to be very comfortable there.
Our boat is a shoal keel and it heels pretty quickly, but once it gets to 15-20 degrees, it will settle in and stiffen up. Any more heel and our boat is telling us it's overpowered, but even heeling at 15 it's pretty easy to feel how the boats shape is changing beneath the water line and how it wants to sail to windward. The pressure on the helm is not great, but I can certainly detect it and it gives me a lot of comfort and it allows me to pinch up and steer closer to the wind. Another clear signal on our boat is the sound of the water passing around the rudder. Last night during a gust, I heard it gurgling quite a bit and I asked my wife to peek at the levo-gauge; sure enough she said, we were past 25 degrees, at which point the boat really wants to head up and the rudder is acting more like a brake as I fight the weather helm.
I'm sure every boat talks to its skipper like this and I enjoy learning from the signals mine gives me.


Apr 5, 2012
Hunter 31 Chesapeake Bay, MD
I like 12-15.

The VERY FIRST TIME I was on a sailboat the owner heeled us to a sustained 35*. The tow rail was under water. A few years later in an intermediate class, the instructor heeled a 22 footer over until water rushed over the coaming and into the cockpit.


Sep 28, 2008
Hunter 41DS Punta Gorda, FL
Could someone explain those polars for me? I have no idea what it all means
Anchorclanker.... a polar is a diagram specific to your make and model boat that will give you the theoretical speed of your boat at any given direction of the wind.
Aug 22, 2012
Paceship Yachts PY26 26 Sandusky, OH
Indy sailor Monroe lake?

Hi Indysailor... I live in Fort Wayne and have been checking out different lakes around here. I have my PY26 on Lake Erie, but my wife doesn't like the waves. How is the sailing on Monroe lake, and would it be suitable for a boat with a 4 1/2 ft. draft?
We sailed yesterday in a nice breeze, around 8-10 knots. Full sail, genoa cars up, we heeled at around 20 degrees as we worked to windward. The boat seemed to be very comfortable there.
Our boat is a shoal keel and it heels pretty quickly, but once it gets to 15-20 degrees, it will settle in and stiffen up. Any more heel and our boat is telling us it's overpowered, but even heeling at 15 it's pretty easy to feel how the boats shape is changing beneath the water line and how it wants to sail to windward. The pressure on the helm is not great, but I can certainly detect it and it gives me a lot of comfort and it allows me to pinch up and steer closer to the wind. Another clear signal on our boat is the sound of the water passing around the rudder. Last night during a gust, I heard it gurgling quite a bit and I asked my wife to peek at the levo-gauge; sure enough she said, we were past 25 degrees, at which point the boat really wants to head up and the rudder is acting more like a brake as I fight the weather helm.
I'm sure every boat talks to its skipper like this and I enjoy learning from the signals mine gives me.
Oct 10, 2009
Catalina 27 3657 Lake Monroe
Hi Indysailor... I live in Fort Wayne and have been checking out different lakes around here. I have my PY26 on Lake Erie, but my wife doesn't like the waves. How is the sailing on Monroe lake, and would it be suitable for a boat with a 4 1/2 ft. draft?
Check your PM inbox, Rickster.


Aug 10, 2012
WD Schock Wavelength 24 Wallenpaupack
The Capri 25 hardens up quick past 20 degrees, in this video I'm sailing solo (last night actually), and taking a quick vid of the knotmeter. I am about 25 degrees as the knot meter smacks 6.

I've pushed this boat REAL hard to see what you can do (my max is about 35 degrees and I can't push harder than that it just rounds up). Most of these responses are accurate, boat is fastest at 10-15 degrees. After that every boat is different, depending on keel shape, and rudder size, and sail shape, you'll get different results with more heel. I know my boat beating to windward, I can push to about 25 degrees without getting any slippage, my Capri 22, 20 degrees (wing keel).
Jun 8, 2004
Pearson 26W Marblehead
how far to heel

1. Most modern boats are designed to sail at 10-15 degrees of heel. beyond 15 speed and stability are compromised and its time for a reef.

2 Experienced crew is preferable to novices

3. I avoid both screamers and people prone to motion sickness. Both types can easily ruin a pleasant day
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