Genoa Sheets -- length


Jun 6, 2010
Catalina Capri 22 518 Buffalo
To Mr Lewis:

Hey Jerry, you noted that on a starboard tack you wrap the sheet around the port winch then cross to the starboard winch, wrap it and then cleat it off. My question is why wrap the port winch at all? What would be the reason for not going through the port side travel and then cross to the starboard winch and cleat. Seems like two winch wraps is just more work and friction when tacking or jibing.

Just wondering aloud...



Aug 10, 2012
WD Schock Wavelength 24 Wallenpaupack
Easy it gives more leverage when you pull back on the line between to sheet in... also its easier to hold the sheet with a wrap until you take up slack at the windward winch. Try it you'll see. On my S2 winds over 12 I sometimes need 2 wraps on the leeward winch.
Aug 17, 2015
I agree. I found if you wrap them both a couple of times you can pull on the center of the sheet in the middle of the cockpit and sort of cascade ratchet to tighten the sheet probably better leverage than a winch handle.
Jul 9, 2013
Exactly as the other two stated - plus it gives me a wrap around the downhill winch when we get ready to tack that I can unload the uphill winch, put on the soon-to-be-downhill sheet on that winch and change sides as the boat tacks, saving time in the transition.