Gelcoat or paste for touch ups and spider cracks?

Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
You could, but a slipped fluted dremel bit will cut through ANYTHING it can get near. 100% unforgiving. Don't overlap the tape at the corners. Keep it single layer everywhere so you're keeping the extra cover thickness to about 0.001". A small slip of the Dremel is just another small repair. Roll over and live with it. Practice, practice, practice.

The thickener I use is hollow glass beads that look about 0.00000001" in dia. Pure white. Adds no colour. A 16 oz. tub of the stuff is nearly weightless.
I meant that you could put the tape over the area to be repaired and cut right through it with the dremel. This way there's no gelcoat that's exposed