Fuel for "Alcohol Stove"

Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
Find out from the PO if the stove is in working order and when was it last used. Old and faulty pressurized fuel stoves can be finicky and prone to flare ups. I would recommend replacing with a non-pressurized alcohol stove.
I would never take a PO's word as gospel.... most of the time the PO is very helpful in all matters, but too many times it has been proven that no matter how many years one owns a boat, they can still be ignorant in what the boat is equipped with or how it operates, but wont admit they dont know...and will tell you any story they think will interest you.
(I have my own experience with this during the purchase of my boat, that I shared here sometime back)

I find in most cases, once you take possession of the boat, the help that the PO can/will give is questionable... and its also very questionable if they even want to hear from you again, due to not being able to remember what they told you in an attempt to get you to buy it from them... this is not always the case, but it is very common.
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Oct 9, 2008
Bristol 29.9 Dana Point
I've never seen a Coleman/esque stove as original equipment. Not intended for indoor use. Carbon monoxide. Only DIY installed stoves would have this fuel type. probably.

However, Stu mentioned the cup around the burner if it's alcohol. Good tell-tail.
Also there will likely be lettering stamped in the metal at the fill port stating fuel type.

This and other info posted can be useful in the absence of a Hunter owner of the exact era and model boat. Or if his info is still inaccurate regarding your exact stove.
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Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
the responses I received are not terribly helpful. I'm looking for other H30C owners in the 1978 legacy. There's very little information within the incredibly inept owners manual that came with these boats 30-40 years ago.
.......Bare with me please, I'm a learning student of Hunter boats. This is the only picture I took during my walk though...

View attachment 117805

as a new "used" boat owner, it would be in your best interest to quickly learn that the hull, rigging and sail plan is the only thing that is specific to any particular model of boat.... and even then, if it really matters, it needs to be questioned whether or not its original.
and this is also true within any particular brand of boat, because what was used on one model, was not necessarily used on another model of the same brand...

an older boat can have many owners, and all owners like changing things on their boats, for many different reasons.... and some dont even need a reason to change things, other than they can afford to, so they do... and it doesnt always make sense either.
so its always a good thing to ask all sailors about what you would like to know about the components and creature comforts that have been added to the hull you own, vs thinking that only a hunter owner has the information you seek.
the hunter brand is only another fiberglass hull, like so many others, that has had stuff made by other manufactures added to it, to make it a "boat"....

and in some sunny setting and at some other time with drinks and pretty girls all around, we might bare with you:redface:... after all, it is a free world we live in, but for here and now, we will bear with you, and help in any way possible, while you learn about your new old boat:biggrin:... and its stove.
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May 24, 2004
CC 30 South Florida
I find in most cases, once you take possession of the boat, the help that the PO can/will give is questionable... and its also very questionable if they even want to hear from you again, due to not being able to remember what they told you in an attempt to get you to buy it from them...
I would never take a PO's word as gospel....
(I have my own experience with this during the purchase of my boat, that I shared here sometime back)
I find in most cases, once you take possession of the boat, the help that the PO can/will give is questionable...
Most of us would conduct our own tests on the stove and any information gathered would just serve to corroborate our findings. I see no reason to avoid asking questions from the PO who is the person most intimately familiar at this point with that stove? His credibility will be proven or disproven by the results of the test. Sorry you had a bad experience but there are helpful POs out there.
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Sep 22, 2006
Catalina, Luger C-27, Adventure 30 Marina del Rey
I don't want to seem obvious but why not just call the PO.
Or open tank and take a sniff. Smells are distinkly (sic) different.
Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
Most of us would conduct our own tests on the stove and any information gathered would just serve to corroborate our findings. I see no reason to avoid asking questions from the PO who is the person most intimately familiar at this point with that stove? His credibility will be proven or disproven by the results of the test. Sorry you had a bad experience but there are helpful POs out there.
yes, I would agree there is no reason not to ask the PO...
but my view point is exactly what I wrote in my previous post... what if you believe him, and he is wrong!!!
from where you or I stand now, this particular issue will never be a problem, but for someone who may be a new owner and not familiar with used boats and the components, especially the stove, it would be a good thing if they knew the chances and the dangers associated with being wrong in its feeding and use, no matter if its because someone else told you wrong information, or if its because you thought you already knew it all....

if you are going to conduct your own tests, going forward with what the PO tells you, and if he is wrong, you may still be in serious, irreversable trouble...
if you go forward with your "testing" without his input, the results may be the same... but if you show a picture of the stove to a few hundred or a few thousand boaters, some of which are very familiar with the object, and you get a unanimous answer, then one can be pretty sure how exactly to proceed safely.
with this site and all the knowledgeable and helpful members, there really is no need to seek out the PO to get a questionable answer, when one is already connected here and has access to the proper answers:biggrin:...

It isnt what we, or someone else thinks, but it is what we know that minimizes risk.....
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Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
I don't want to seem obvious but why not just call the PO.
Or open tank and take a sniff. Smells are distinkly (sic) different.
the smells are different, but to someone who doesnt know, they can be similar enough to not be able to be identified... especially if it is old fuel.
and one would think that the "obviously disinterested" PO would have shown the new owner how things work, or at the very least a run down on whats onboard...
Sep 15, 2009
S2 9.2a Fairhope Al
the interest usually stops when the check clears 90% of the time ....they are in the back room screaming think god its gone....boats a divorces have similar reactions from start to finish
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Thanks folks...the conversation is not over yet.

My boats' PO is a really awesome guy. We'll just be outta touch until May while he and his wife are wintering/hibernating in the Bahamas. I'm pretty sure they are somewhat glad to have sold the boat, but they are also very glad they have sold it to me, being actually a fairly responsible guy myself.

Unfortunately I didn't make it out to the marina for a photo of the stove this weekend. The Mrs. had other plans for me with Christmas decorations and such.

I've truly enjoyed your inputs, with several making my day, providing a good belly laugh.

I'm looking forward to whiffing my antiquated fuel source, eliminate any potential to blacken my Salon with a trial firing, and so glad my costly divorce ended last December. Too Funny!!!

Testing the unit will be paramount...off the boat. I've got a good nose, an aged BS in chemistry, and generally referred to as a pyro around most campfires.

Pictures will be available soon...please stay tuned!
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Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
I guess I should have said the "New" Mrs. had me busy last weekend!
Aug 20, 2010
Oday 27 Oak Orchard
Great idea to try it off the boat. Glad you are keeping a sense of humor as it comes in handy when dealing with boats. My old Kenyon Homestrand had leaks at every seal so when I lit it up the ball of fire that ensued was quite impressive. Yours looks like the same make Model 206. Here's a link for you to peruse: http://impliedconsent.us/Kenyon_Stove.html
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Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
When I had my first survey of the boat, I did remove the microwave and cutting board to take a peak. This is almost exactly what my stove looked like, but I'm not totally positive. Once I get back to the Marina, I'll snap a photo and get back to you via PM.

Thanks 25YL...
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Nov 22, 2011
Ericson 26-2 San Pedro, CA
I don't want to seem obvious but why not just call the PO.
Or open tank and take a sniff. Smells are distinkly (sic) different.
The "sniff test" might only tell you what is in the tank but not necessarily what is supposed to be in the tank.
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Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Ha ha ha...great responses. Just curious about GG's post? Have you ever written a ransome note for folks you've kidnapped?

You only know "close" to where I live. It's pretty open up here in the southern tier, piason, and we're all armed...LOL

Pics coming as soon as I get a chance...LMAO! No PM promise. Everybody online gets a piece of me.
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Seriously, Mama Vallese (post #29 pic) just wants to make me a nice bowl of linguini with white clam sauce on board the vessel. All she tells me is Chiudi la bocca e mangiare. I can't burn a boat and a woman like that, can I? We don't mess with the Italian women. They are the best. Microwave won't work for her needs. Gotta have a working stove. Alcohol or otherwise...
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Respect to ggrizzard, woodster, centerline, skipper, 25YL, caguy,
and benny!
Nov 30, 2015
Hunter 1978 H30 Cherubini, Treman Marina, Ithaca, NY
Brother lives in Albion. We should gather sometime? All boaters!