Night Sailing - Racing about Whidbey Island…
We were a crew of 5, Captain Hayden and Admiral Sue Watson (best galley Admiral ever), Mates John, Jim and Claudette.
Aboard Papillion (Capt. Hayden’s Catalina 30) for the 2019 race around Whidbey Island.
We had our moments of excitement as we neared the lead having charged down the west side of Whidbey Island rounding Partridge point in 3rd place. And then there was the afternoon challenge, which tested our patience, circling in the Marrowstone Gyre with Nemo floating past us on the whisps of a breeze.
But the grandest of time was the 11PM to 3AM helm watch ghosting up Possession Sound with the currents. The soft snoring of Hayden coiled up in the front of the cockpit by the companion way.
I was sitting in the cockpit stern looking for the puffs, moonlight reflecting on the ripples of the water. The Harvest moon rose about 2330 above the hills on the East shoreline. The brightness of the moon magnified by the darkness of the water.
Do we head across the channel to drift in the 1 knot current? If we get across will there be a counter current hindering our progress? Or should we hug the western edge of the sound and catch the puffs near the island shore as the breezes bounce off the island’s cliffs.
No need for flashlights as the moon provides light enough to read the charts.
Sue comes up from the galley at 0110 offering a sip of coffee and support in seeking the breaths of air propelling us. At times it seems if we could harness Hayden’s snores we could power ahead of the fleet.
Racing in the dark is so much fun.