Down East Forum

Mar 23, 2011
Down East Yachts Downeaster 38 040 Milford, CT
Hello all Downeasterer's (made up word...).

With the demise of the latest Down East Yachts web site and forums, I asked the nice folks here at Sailboat Owners if they could set up a Down East Yachts brand specific forum and they graciously agreed.

I've attached some files from the old web site that hopefully can be useful, or at least entertaining. Also, I have a HTML copy of the old owners registry as it stood, circa 2013, when the older Delphi based owners group went down. If you reply here, or via PM if you like, with your hull number, boat name, owner(s) name, and cruising area, I'll update the database.



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Oct 22, 2023
Downeaster Downeaster 45 Bremerton
Nicely done! Title of this "Downeaster Fourm" is misspelled, easily corrected!

I have owned a Downeaster 45 since June of 2022 in Washington state. Is there a way to maintain a list of 32s, 38s and 45s here? Posting part of the Downeaster 45 brochure here:
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Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 34 Casco Bay
A very salty looking design.. To be honest I do take exception to a CA company naming the line Down Easter.. Mainahs are fiercely protective of their associated name (s)..
Mar 23, 2011
Down East Yachts Downeaster 38 040 Milford, CT
A very salty looking design.. To be honest I do take exception to a CA company naming the line Down Easter.. Mainahs are fiercely protective of their associated name (s)..
I believe the founder was from Maine, but, yeah, a bit confusing.
Mar 23, 2011
Down East Yachts Downeaster 38 040 Milford, CT
I have owned a Downeaster 45 since June of 2022 in Washington state. Is there a way to maintain a list of 32s, 38s and 45s here?
This is an interesting question. As mentioned in the OP, I have an HTML file of the owners registry from the old old website, dating from ~2011. Since this is just a forum, I think the best I could do here is simply upload the file as an attachment at some point. Not ideal but at least a version would exist and the file could be updated as needed.

A more ideal solution would be a website that would act as a front-end, and the "Forums" would redirect here. That site would host the owner registry as a sub-page, as well as other documents and how-to write ups. I've been talking to another owner, who has server space for his business uses and he is willing to host this new owners group web site. So that might work out.

Along those lines, another owner's forum here, for "Pace Ships" has a link to a web page,, which is the kind of thing I'm thinking of. So this is a question for @Dave if he see's this, is this site hosted on SBO servers? Just curious about what might be possible.

The DE 45 is a magnificent beast. What hull number is she? I'll happily update the registry with your information, whatever you want to provide. Eventually I'll get the registry published somewhere.

Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
I’d be remiss not to say I like the design and cabin layout. It has blue water bones. 324 gallons water - 282 gallons fuel. That pretty much says it.


Forum Admin, Gen II
Staff member
Feb 1, 2023
Along those lines, another owner's forum here, for "Pace Ships" has a link to a web page,, which is the kind of thing I'm thinking of. So this is a question for @Dave if he see's this, is this site hosted on SBO servers? Just curious about what might be possible.
A couple of things here.

If you place an @ in front of a member's screen name, that person will get an email stating that you mentioned him.

SBO is not able to host websites. We can place a description under the forum's title and we can make posts "sticky" so they are always visible. Someone associated with the Down East group needs to provide the description or identify a thread that needs to be sticky. Just send me a PM. You can see an example on this forum:

For your information, is a very small privately held company. Its primary business is selling boating supplies with a focus on Hunter and Catalina boats. The forums are offered to support the sailing community and is staffed by volunteers. We are happy to support the Down East Yacht group.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Forum Admin
Jul 15, 2012
Down Easter DE45 New Bern, NC
I own this DE45 which must have been posted on this forum some time back in 2012. She is called "Britannia" and will be familiar to many readers of sailing magazines in America and England, because I have been a writer for all these magazines for 14 years and many of the alterations I have done to the boat have been featured in the likes of Cruising World, Sail, Good Old Boat (RIP), and Practical Boat Owner in the UK. She is very very different to most DE45's I have seen. and one thing I did was to actually change the rig from a ketch to a brigantine schooner. Many of my articles can be found on the web by just searching "Roger Hughes - Britannia."
I hope all true DE'sters will enjoy.
Roger, New Bern, NC.