Degree of heel?

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John Powell

I have seen a number of articles about the best degree of heel to get maximum speed, etc. I would like to know what degree of heel you prefer. My wife and I are fairly new sailors and we differ on what is "comfortable". Where do you try to keep your boat heeled? Your opinion?? Thanks, John
Jun 5, 1997
Coleman scanoe Irwin (ID)
We prefer 10-15 degrees heel on longer upwind passages

Technically speaking, most production boats will probably sail fastest with as little heel as possible; i.e. using a lot of water ballast and/or "rail meat" (crew members sitting on the windward toerail). Doubtlessly, many crew members -- particularly novices and galley slaves -- would not mind always sailing with minimum heel; which explains one of the big selling arguments for multihulls, of course. My experience, though, is that many female and/or novice sailing companions CAN be sold on enjoying quite a bit of heel, provided the skipper learns to keep the boat "in the groove", preferably by proper sail trim and helm action (human or mechanical). The reason is simple: in a bit of a "seaway" (wave action) CONTROLLED BEATING into the wind, with the accompanying degree of heel, may well be the most stable point of sail, since one avoids the unpleasant rolling and/or yawing motions often associated with reaching and running. Notice, however, that I did highlight the term "controlled beating". It often takes a bit of work to figure out the best angle to steer into the waves and, especially when on autopilot or windvane (and thus unable to properly steer over every individual wavecrest), one should NEVER go too fast. If female and/or novice crew members hate one thing more about beating than the inevitable heeling it is having to sail through Slam City. When the dinnerware and silverware in the cabin starts to make a big ruckus every few minutes or so, you are probably well on your way to loosing your admiral..... All you need to do, however, is simply slow down a bit (e.g. to max. 5 knot)in order to have peace and harmony return! Have fun! Flying Dutchman

David Foster

15 degrees

is a good efficiency and comfort limit for our '77 h27. We reef (main first, then jib) if the winds drive us consistently beyond 15 degrees. The usual result is better speed, and less leeway. A major part of the efficiency improvement is the reduction in weather helm. When we counteract stronger tendency to turn into the wind as it picks up, our rudder adds substantial drag. Also, the sails are more efficient closer to vertical. The comfort of the crew is critical, unless we aspire to sail alone. Especially the Admiral! So comfort is a key target of our sailing philosophy. Luckily, comfort and efficiency go together on this issue. David Lady Lillie


Hi John, a best of Sail book that includes...

several articles written by world class racers and skippers suggested that 23 degrees was the optimum for most sail boats. Beyond that tended to degrade the boat's performance and crew comfort. My first mate gets uncomfortable when it gets over 25 degrees. I've had our H28 over to 42 degrees, solo of course, and she performed just fine. All my sailing up to this point has been in the protected waters of the Puget Sound and Gulf Islands. Terry

Palmer King

Depends on conditions and use

For general cruising, I prefer no more than around 15 degrees or so. Can still sit comfortably yet feel like you're sailing. For racing, we tend to push it to 20 - 25 degrees (if there is enough wind). But, each boat is different. Take her out in 15 - 20 knot winds, get on a beam reach, and pull in the sheets in small stages. Give the boat a minute or so after each tighten to let the boat get up to speed, then pull in again just a little. Even though you're healing, the boat will feel more and more stable. When you find the groove, the boat will settle in. You'll know it. The helm becomes very light to the touch, and the boat wants to keep her course without effort (assuming reasonable sail balance). Keep sheeting in until you feel the boat losing the groove. That is your best speed sailing angle, but not necessarily the most comfortable.


Agree with Dave, 15 +/-

It probably isn't surprizing that I agree with David as we also have an H27. The former owner claimed that 17 degrees was best but that is just being a bit picky as nothing is constant. I found that using the mainsheet to trim or spill wind is the easiest method to get accustomed to the heel. If you get nervous, let it go a bit and bring the boat upright. It is a learning experience. When you are comfortable, you might run some sea trials and chart the speed with various configurations in differnt wind/sea conditions, if such things are important to you. Andy "Baroque"

Russell Egge

Changes with Experience

We were new sailors 5 years ago and 20 degrees as way past the limit of comfort. While it’s good to know your limits and sail comfortably, there is an advantage to being out in rougher conditions and being more overpowered. Sooner or later it will happen and its reassuring to know you can deal with it, and know how to handle the boat. When the day comes, and it will, when the wind goes from 15-30+ knots in a few minutes you will know what to do and that you can deal with it. Russell Egge


Degree of heel is a sailor's choice

The degree of heel is either getting the most speed from your sailboat in the existing sea and wind conditions or sailing with less heel and slower in the existing sea and wind conditions. You don't have to sail your boat at the most optimum heel if you don't want to. Sailing your boat with less heel for the sea and wind conditions means that you won't be going as fast as your sailboat is capable of going, but as stated in earlier responses it might not be the most comfortable. When your sailboat is at the most optimum heel angle for the sea and wind conditions and with your sail trim correctly adjusted, you can feel the "Groove" as the force of the wind on your sails and the force of the water against your keel become balanced. Both forces seem to counter act each other as the ride becomes smoother. Its like a spoiler on a race car, at low speeds the spoiler doesn't come into play, but once you get in the groove, the downward force of the spoiler forces the race car down on the pavement and provides greater traction and steering control. You don't have to sail in the "Groove" if you don't want to. The ride might be bumpier, but you can sit upright in the cockpit without having to brace your feet and lean backward because of the heel angle. Fair Winds. Clyde


For best boat performance

(racing), the 23 degrees that Terry mentioned is generally accepted.

John Powell


Thanks for some very good thoughts and info. This has been very helpful. John

Tim McCarty

For cruising...doesn't really matter....

I usually take my boat to about 15 degrees then let out the main to sustain. When cruising, whether you heel your boat at 15 or 25 degrees is more a function of comfort than anything else...I don't know that you would gain a whole hell of a lot of speed with everybody hanging over the sides. I will say this though...when racing on friends boats, I love the action of the boat heeling over at 25 to 40's a great rush, BUT these are boats that are designed for racing. I personally think that you get optimal speed from sail trim vs. the amount of heel, but, I'm a cruiser more than a racer so I may not know what I am talking about.
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