We prefer 10-15 degrees heel on longer upwind passages
Technically speaking, most production boats will probably sail fastest with as little heel as possible; i.e. using a lot of water ballast and/or "rail meat" (crew members sitting on the windward toerail). Doubtlessly, many crew members -- particularly novices and galley slaves -- would not mind always sailing with minimum heel; which explains one of the big selling arguments for multihulls, of course. My experience, though, is that many female and/or novice sailing companions CAN be sold on enjoying quite a bit of heel, provided the skipper learns to keep the boat "in the groove", preferably by proper sail trim and helm action (human or mechanical). The reason is simple: in a bit of a "seaway" (wave action) CONTROLLED BEATING into the wind, with the accompanying degree of heel, may well be the most stable point of sail, since one avoids the unpleasant rolling and/or yawing motions often associated with reaching and running.Notice, however, that I did highlight the term "controlled beating". It often takes a bit of work to figure out the best angle to steer into the waves and, especially when on autopilot or windvane (and thus unable to properly steer over every individual wavecrest), one should NEVER go too fast. If female and/or novice crew members hate one thing more about beating than the inevitable heeling it is having to sail through Slam City. When the dinnerware and silverware in the cabin starts to make a big ruckus every few minutes or so, you are probably well on your way to loosing your admiral..... All you need to do, however, is simply slow down a bit (e.g. to max. 5 knot)in order to have peace and harmony return!Have fun!Flying Dutchman