I was watching a video on Offcenterharbor.com about a Eggemoggin 47 and its rigging. I thought of this thread while listening to one of the designers. It is designed for EZ daysailing but can mix it up with NYYC quality racing boats. The mainsail they were showing is a full batten sail. There was also some discussion of sail plan size which different than the dogma on the subject. Not to mention the spectacular good looks of the boat and the marvelous engineering of sail controls. Well worth the 26:51 minutes! For non-members you get to view 3 videos for free.

The Yacht Design Spiral - Will Sturdy on the Eggemoggin 47 - OffCenterHarbor.com
A fascinating look and listen as yacht designer Will Sturdy, walks us through transforming a spirit of tradition racing yacht, for new sailing grounds, while maintaining her pedigree.