Confused on outhaul rigging

Jul 2, 2019
Hunter 310 Pine Beach, NJ
Hunter 310 1998. Tried getting other 310 owners to chime in on the specific forum but not much luck.
Tried to replace outhaul and was blindsided by a block hidden in the boom. I thought it was just a straight in then out 1:1 purchase. It seems there is an eye inside the boom where the rope is fixed. There are 2 mystery rivets near the fwd end on the side of the boom but the only way to access this seems to be drilling out the rivets that atach the boom end cap and removing the cap. Is this something Hunter (or Selden) would have done?


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Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Can't speak specifically to your outhaul, however, outhauls are typically more than a single purchase and are often cascaded, meaning one set of blocks adjusts a second set of blocks.

In order to access the blocks (and maybe replace them with low friction blocks) it will be necessary to open up at least one end of the boom.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Ii have a 1999 H-310 model but no idea what's inside the boom which may affect the outhaul. I know when I replaced the line a couple of years ago, I used the old line to pull a fish through. I think that would apply to wiring, hoses, and any lines being replaced.

Sorry that doesn't help this time, but maybe next time .........................................
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Ralph, how long was the line you replaced? Was it long enough to have taken a couple of turns through blocks or was it just a straight line through the boom?

-Will (Dragonfly)
Feb 27, 2004
Hunter 335 North East, MD
I redid the outhaul on my 33.5 about 5 years ago. I was able to access the block from the after end of the boom. Loosen your outhaul at the forward end of the boom and from the after part reach in with strongish hook and prise out the block. Then its a matter of attaching your new outhaul to the old and carefully pull through (I sewed the ends together and a thin layer of tape).
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Jul 2, 2019
Hunter 310 Pine Beach, NJ
Exactly. I wound up drilling the rivets on the fwd end cap and installing a 2 block system as shown. Carbo low friction blocks & 3:1 purchase. Can't wait to try it with the new loose foot main. Boat splashed literally 4 hrs ago. Oh and I didn't notice you sail a 310. Love my boat.


Jun 14, 2020
Hunter 310 Nepean Sailing Club, Ottawa
Hunter 310 1998. Tried getting other 310 owners to chime in on the specific forum but not much luck.
Tried to replace outhaul and was blindsided by a block hidden in the boom. I thought it was just a straight in then out 1:1 purchase. It seems there is an eye inside the boom where the rope is fixed. There are 2 mystery rivets near the fwd end on the side of the boom but the only way to access this seems to be drilling out the rivets that atach the boom end cap and removing the cap. Is this something Hunter (or Selden) would have done?
Hey sorry, I haven't been as active on here as I could be. But now that I have the exact same problem, you have my complete attention! I have a 99 H 310 and recently inadvertently pulled the outhaul out of the boom - no knot in the end of the line. Sigh.
I've been trying to track down some kind of drawing of the inside of the Selden boom because the manual says 'not shown for clarity' (of the outside rigging). (Just when you need a different kind of clarity...)

So needing to rethread the outhaul through the boom, I assumed also that it was just a straight run through the boom (because that's how the outhaul came out and must be how somebody previously had rigged it) so I used an electrician's fish to push it back through. I've since discovered there's a block in the middle. Looking in with a flashlight, it seems jammed in a somewhat angled up position and the outhaul we had put back in will now not budge in the aft direction. The mainsheet and reefing lines are now also rough to pull through in either direction.

For your particular situation, I've read on other posts that, yes, drilling out the rivets at the mast end of the boom and then screwing back on is the only way to get the boom end off. As for the 'mystery' rivets you speak of do you think they're holding the eye? And are they about a foot or so back from the mast end of the boom? (Just guessing. I didn't look at this on mine.)

Can you please tell me if the block slid out easily? I just assumed that it was anchored at the bottom. Also, when I look in with a flashlight, it looks to be a double block, one sheave on top of the other.

I wasn't aware that the boom had an eye inside! Can you please tell me if it's on the bottom or side of the inside? Do you think the block is attached to it or is it just to run a line through?

I've also just written Seldén US to ask about the inside of the boom.

Maybe if we bat thoughts back and forth, we can figure this out together. I'll also keep searching other posts.
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Jul 24, 2005
Beneteau 323 Manistee, MI

This is how the outhaul is supposedly set up in a US spars boom. The block with becket is not attached inside the boom and can be accessed from the aft end without having to drill out the rivets in the end casting.
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Jul 2, 2019
Hunter 310 Pine Beach, NJ
Hey sorry, I haven't been as active on here as I ....
Hey. I am so glad I took the time to do that modification and it made it that much more pleasure to sell especially with the loose footage sale I just had made. I documented the entire process and took a bunch of photos. I will post them all with a step-by-step description of what I did. I felt Overwhelmed before I started but found out the job was very straightforward and not much of a problem. I will post all of it but it will take me at least till Monday to get it together as we have a huge party at the marina tonight and tomorrow I would like to actually go out on the water and catch some wind. I’ll be back I promise.
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Jun 14, 2020
Hunter 310 Nepean Sailing Club, Ottawa
Accessed the block from the out board end of the boom with a long pole with a screw in it but the block seems jarred (zoomed photo attached) as is the outhaul itself (jammed though it's loose at the mast end of the boom).


Jul 2, 2019
Hunter 310 Pine Beach, NJ
Accessed the block from the out board end of the boom with a long pole with a screw in it but the block seems jarred (zoomed photo attached) as is the outhaul itself (jammed though it's loose at the mast end of the boom).
This got confusing because there are two threads. Here is the other one.
I have done the entire job and want to post an article here. Just not sure how I should do it. Took about 20 pics.