Well today I completed the install of the alternator, belt, belt buddy (tensioner), service switch, positive leads to the battery compartment and the regulator wiring.
All went really well, I am mounting the Balmar MC-614 Regulator in the area under my feet (the access panel at the bottom of the companionway stairs), you can see the black wire jacket from the alternator running forward just under the service switch. I still have to run the negative line which I have to order yet, its about 11 ft long to the battery box under the navigation seat.
I also pulled the instrument panel out today, I am going to attempt to replace the LCD screen for the Tach/hour meter this week, I ordered a the ribbon cable and screen a week ago from Ebay and received it yesterday, I have read some positive results on the success of the replacement. In looking at the available space in the panel I could always mount a Hobbs hour meter in the same panel, there is plenty of room.
I have a question on the final connections between the alternator and regulator that I am sure I will get answered as soon as Maine Sail gets a moment.
I will not be putting the cover back on the front of the engine in hopes of better air flow around the new alternator, that and who would really want to cover up this work, it just looks too good.