C-27, topping lift.

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I have a C27 tall rig, and it doesent have a adjustable topping lift, It is fixed at the top, I have to remove the clip and attach it to something to keep it from flying around when getting the sail going. What is the best way to make adjustable, any ideas??. John

Michael McCann

Adjustable Topping

John; Attach a single block to the topping lift, say 12 to 18 inches above the end of the boom. Find a small block that has a becket, a sheave,and a jam cleat. Attach this block to the boom. Run a short line from the becket through the block on the end of the topping lift, then down into the block on the boom exiting through the jam cleat. Schaefer makes a neat small one that is all stainless, and has a V shape at the exit that works as a jam cleat. Adjust the slack from the jam cleat to allow as much slack as you need. This can be adjusted while sailing. Mike


Run it Forward

Michael's response is right on, but make sure mount the cleat far enough forward on the boom so it's easy to reach when raising, lowering or reefing the main or on any point of sail. If your main halyard is run aft to the cockpit, you might want to consider doing the same with the topping lift. A good alternative to a topping lift is to install a rigid vang which will support the boom without the need for a topping lift. Garhauer has a nice model in the $175 range that fits the C-27. Check out their web site.
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