- Oct 22, 2014
- 22,387
Below is a list of ideas, generated by SBO members, to help boat owners prepare for storms. If you have additional suggestions we encourage you to share.
They will be added to this list as updates occur. Please check back often!
* indicates a SBO Member contribution.
Ideas by: Jim and John the weather guys...
Links to previous threads
Last edited 26 AUG 2021
They will be added to this list as updates occur. Please check back often!
* indicates a SBO Member contribution.
- Check you boat lines for Hurricane strength.
- Fuel your boat
- Charge your batteries
- Batten down all hatches
- Empty Hold tanks
- Check your auxiliary power
- Secure all seacocks
- Verify your bilge pump.
- Triple wrap your sheets around your head sail furling, alternatively, remove and store your sail, or use a sail storm sleeve to cover your sail.
- Check for Chafe on all lines
- Prevent boom from swinging
- Check Topping lift lines
- Store solar panels
- Wave goodbye to your Bimini or dodger, if not removed.[* Don S/V ILLusion]
- Here's another one: Use sail ties to secure the sail pack to the boom.[* kappykaplan]
- Remember when securing your boat use knots that can be easily removed after the storm passes. Or you will be cutting the lines to get the boat free from those granny knots. [* jssailem]
- Double the lines. I would use longer nylon 3 strand to the furthest points possible. Adjust them so they stretch before the dacron lines fetch up. That will dampen the shock loading of the less stretchy dacron. [* shemandr]
- Remove dink and dink outboard. [*shemandr]
- Extra fenders and/or fender boards. [*shemandr]
- Move the away from the dock bulkhead. [*shemandr]
- Inspect floating dock hardware. [*shemandr]
- Check that Dock Bollards are tall enough to address Storm Surge/Storm Tide.
- Take pictures of your boat and the prep you did. [*shemandr]
- Definitely take off all sails and canvas. In hurricane winds, they add enormous windage.[*David in Sandusky]
- Check the boats around you. Can they get to you? Have they been prepped? [* Sailm8]
- How secure are your pilings? We thought ours were good but turned out they were not sunk into solid bottom. [* Sailm8]
- remove life slings, grills and other things that may be hanging off the pulpits. [* Ward H]
- If you’re thinking about evacuating, stop thinking and do it[* Bill19233]
- We leave on 2 LED cabin lights so others might see if our boat was taking on water. [* JamesG161]
- Emptying your holding tank will make post storm clean up easier.
Ideas by: Jim and John the weather guys...
Links to previous threads
- Boat Preparations for Storms. 2020AUG
- Storm Preparations for your Boat . 2019AUG
Last edited 26 AUG 2021