Boat Babe on Strike!

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Jan 28, 2007
Oday 20 Clear Lake, Iowa

This is a great thread... keep it going.. its great.. to see the weather someplace that is over 0 deg!! Ummm nice weather you have down there boat babe.
Aug 9, 2005
Hunter 28.5 Palm Coast, FL
Dear Letterman...I hope your only joking about...

the chocolate, Because chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs. You need to use your Godiva or your Cadbury's or your Hershey's on a pretty two legged creature.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Landsend. I know that everyone says that

chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats and it is in large quantities. If you weigh 150 pounds and one piece of chocolate is enough for you then 1/10 of a piece is enough for your fifteen pound dog and it won't harm him. You wouldn't share chocolate piece for piece with a fifteen pound baby human. A little common sense can go a long way in life.

Tim R.

May 27, 2004
Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Portland, Maine
I cannot resist

I say this with absolutely no seriousness but every time you feed your pet a little bit of "poison" you should take a little bit of arsenic or lead just for laughs ;-) All kidding aside, a friend of mine feeds his dog grapes which are also not good for dogs and his pup is fine. Although without the grapes maybe the dog would have gone onto greatness like solving world peace or curing cancer! Tim R.


Raisens Toxic to Dogs

My daughter is very sad over the loss of her dog Friday. The dog ate a bag of trail mix that was full of raisens. Apparently they are toxic enough to cause kidney failure and even though she took the dog to the vet she died. Apparently one of their friends forgot the bag of trail mix and the dog found the bag and ate it all. Deedee was bad about eating people food whenever she got the chance.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Tom I am sad to hear about the loss of

the dog. It is almost like loosing a mamber of the family. Trail mix often has rasins and chocolate in it. Even a large human would be ill after eating an entire bag of trail mix. Dogs will eat anything they can reach but in the wild they don't have access to large amounts of any single food.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Hey steph, all this talk about dogs and chocolate

you can ignore. It is perfectly safe for you to eat all the chocolate you want. Scientific studies have proven that chocolate is good food for Bikini Babes. ;)
Dec 19, 2006
Hunter 36 Punta Gorda

Wanted Good Woman Must be able to clean,cook,sew,sail,dig worms and clean fish Must have boat and motor Please send picture of Boat and Motor
Jan 27, 2007
Irwin 37' center cockpit cleveland ohio

Heck yes I am just kidding. I devour the stuff, then come down in the morning and there is no chocolate, so who can I blame since I live alone? The cats! Now, if I can just figure out which one is drinking my Vodka and Bourbon, there will be hell to pay!!!!


Princes of the Lake, The competition just started

Princes of the lake has thrown the gauntlet has been thrown-let the competition begin.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY

That stanchion to the right of you needs to be replaced.....looks a bit bent. Looks like a geat day on the water indeed!! I am sure captain grumpy ain't so grumpy.
Aug 27, 2006
C&C 29 MK-1 Mandeville (Lake Pontchartrain), LA
More from Sinbad too!

We definitely need to hear more from Sinbad too! Wow! ;D His Boater Babe now made my top 10 list of Sailing Dream Girls. Of course the Original Boat Babe still remains in my top 2 list! KB
Nov 27, 2005
- - West Des Moines, Iowa
I don't know

That one Sinbad put in here looks suspiciously like something right out of "Girls Gone Wild" or something taking at Dayton Beach for college break. (Ohhhh... to be 25 again!) Great pictures of yer boat babes, though I think we need to see pictures of them actually on yer boat. We have to be careful to qualify them.
Sep 6, 2006
- - Holland, AR
When we get to 20k..

Will you tell us what the tattoo is ? Or did you just squeeze the fish too hard ? Danny
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