Battery Life


Jan 4, 2009
Ketch 55 Bristol, RI
Recognize that you can do all this stuff and still only get five years out of your new batteries. Once you go past five years you are on borrowed time. Maybe you'll get seven. Maybe not. It's much easier to replace batteries at the beginning of the season rather than have a failure in mid-season. You could spend big bucks for Firefly's or Lithium but replacing every five years may be your most cost effective option.


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
Recognize that you can do all this stuff and still only get five years out of your new batteries. Once you go past five years you are on borrowed time. Maybe you'll get seven. Maybe not. It's much easier to replace batteries at the beginning of the season rather than have a failure in mid-season. You could spend big bucks for Firefly's or Lithium but replacing every five years may be your most cost effective option.
I think you may be way off on the LI batteries. Aren't they what the long distance space exploration satellites use and don't they get 10 to 20 years out of those?
Jul 13, 2010
Precision 23 Perry Hall,Baltimore County
Thanks again all if you for cinticonti replies and discussion. Tomorrow I will confirm size and AH of the single battery I have and will shop based on the 10 percent rule. Not necessarily looking for a portable, have no problem hard mounting one in the boat. I dry sail,can be plugged in all week long between weekend outings.Weekdays don't work out much anymore with still working and elderly parents to care for.