Astrological Sign and Sailing

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I was wondering if we could do some kind of informal poll here as to what sign each of us is and how easy they get seasick. I'm curious about a couple of things.... a) If, generally, sailors come from a narrow list of signs or what the most common sign of a sailor is b) If, generally again, any peticular sign has a better resistance to seasickness. Before you go serving your negative opinions about astrology, try to be open minded. Here ( is a link of my sign description and it does fit me almost perfectly. Notice it says I make a good sailor :) Funny how my first dream was to be a pilot and I was a soldier and pretty good at it too. Growing up as a kid, I didn't have any influences into any of these three, so how did I become interested in them? Strange. "You make good ... soldiers, sailors and airmen, ..." Cancer ( is also suppose to be a good sailor. POLL QUESTION: So, what sign are you and how easily do you get seasick?
May 11, 2004
RAPTOR Hotfoot 20 Ghost Lake

I'm a Cancer and have loved sailing for as long as I can remember. I get sick as hell as soon as I'm exposed to open ocean rollers. In protected waters I'm fine no matter how rough it gets.


Jun 10, 2005
Hunter 146 Candlewood Lake, CT
Libra - never sick

I am Libra, and have never been seasick. Once on a tiny Cessna I feelt queasy - that's about it. However, since the potted plant sitting in the corner of my den exerts a greater gravitational influence on me then even Alpha Centauri, I would postulate that you might get just as interesting and meaningful results by asking what's your favorite color, or any other random question! Anyway, we can have some fun with this. Cheers.

T J Furstenau

Cancer as well

"What's your sign?" Never thought that I'd see that on HOW! :) I'm a July birthday and love sailing. Have yet to hang over the lee rail. That's not to say that I haven't had a queasy moment or two, but I've hung in there through them and toughed it out. T J ps - I love ginger snaps, don't know if they work but I make sure they're on board just because I like 'em!
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
Mine should be obvious: Virgo

The most nitpicking anal retentive perfectionists in the universe! :) I dunno if it's true of all Virgos, but I've never been seasick...a little queasy a few times when below decks in rough seas, but fine once I got back on deck and breathing fresh sea air and could see the horizon again. My husband was a Pisces (the fish) surprise that he loved the ocean. And that's where we scattered his ashes.

Mike Misko

Guess we gotta do something

with many of us on the hard now. Libra here, quesy rarely but never barfed from it. It's obviously going to be a long winter.
Dec 2, 2003
- - Tulsa, OK
Cancer too

After 6 or 8 hours of ROUGH open ocean I get really sick and it lasts for a couple of days or until I get back into protected waters.
Jul 20, 2005
Whitby 55 Kemah, Tx
I forgot to add....

I am an Aries of course... and I get seasick only with the easy rolling if I heave-to in 6' waves, I can't last long, but if I'm beating into those 6' waves, I have no problem. When I was anchored out in 50+ knots of wind which produced 2 or 3 foot waves in the bay, I got sick then too. My first time ever in the ocean (deep sea fishing trip) I had no problem on the way out, but once we turned the motor off and drifted, I got sick with the gental roll. It's weird, easy rolls gets me but hard rough stuff is nothing.
Jul 20, 2005
Whitby 55 Kemah, Tx

Virgo's ( are known to be clean types (see below or link). My dock neighbor is a virgo and he is alway cleaning his boat (inside and out). My old roommate was a virgo and he had everything perfectly neat and put in it's place and each days clothes laid out the night before. And they say this stuff is non-sense :) "The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve."
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
You must have missed this part, Franklin

Virgo Traits Modest and shy Meticulous and reliable Practical and diligent Intelligent and analytical On the dark side.... Fussy and a worrier Overcritical and harsh Perfectionist and conservative Yup...tha's me all right. :)
Jul 20, 2005
Whitby 55 Kemah, Tx
I don't think so....

"since the potted plant sitting in the corner of my den exerts a greater gravitational influence on me then even Alpha Centauri" First's not the pull on you's the pull on you when your brain is one cell big. If the moon and stars and change current and tides, I'm sure it can manipulate how your brain forms. Haven't you ever noticed how energetic people are on a full moon day (not just night)? I've noticed at least two full moon days where people were acting a little strange...and then later that night I see it's a full moon. Personally, I think sertain people are open to things and they give this some non-biased thought. Others are closed minded and already have their mind made up before they even know anything about it. BTW: Even the experts admit that horiscopes are just for fun, but this sign description stuff has been studied for 8,000 years and lots of resources from Kings and rulers (so they could understand their people better) funded the research. I think human kind can get anything right in 8,000 years, don't you? Heck, we've only been working on the space program for 50-60 years.


Jun 10, 2005
Hunter 146 Candlewood Lake, CT
Far be it from me...

to debunk millenia of study... In fact, one benefit of sailing is that we stay much more in touch with the elements and the cycles of nature than many folks these days. But it is fact that the stars and even planets have less gravitational influence on our few cells then a fat or skinny attending nurse does! The moon IS close enough to affect tides, and perhaps us too. I hope you will compile these results - even us skeptics are curious... And by the way, thanks for the vote of confidence in considering that I have more than one brain cell left after college! ;)


So far

Cancer: 3 A little to yes on sickness Libra: 2 Not really Virgo: 1 No sickness Aries: 1 Yes in right conditions This is an easy poll people...lets add to it. I need more subjects.


Jun 1, 2005
Hunter 30 Pickwick Lake, TN River

I'm a Leo - August. Before having babies, I NEVER had motion sickness - reading below decks in a tossing boat, doing cross stitch while riding on mountain switchback roads, diving, sailing, didn't matter. Regularly out in 4'-6' seas; often out in 8'-10'. I've pulled the anchor on the dive boat when the crew was too sick to do it. I've been on a boat with a bunch of Marines, and I was one of two people not sick. But after having 2 kids, everything changed. I have to be very careful now and do all the 'right things' - stay on deck, look around etc. - to avoid getting sick. It takes much more for me to get acclimated and not be sick. Talked with my obstetrician, who is also a diver. She said there is no medical cause, but she and others that she knows have experienced the same thing. So how do you tabulate that in your poll? :)
Jul 20, 2005
Whitby 55 Kemah, Tx

It's so hard to keep up with the responses.... Cancer: 3 A little to yes on sickness Libra: 2 Not really Virgo: 1 No sickness Aries: 1 Yes in right conditions Leo: 1 Just don't have two kids and you'll be alright :)
Jul 13, 2005
Hunter 450 Coronado Cays, CA
Scorpio - born for the sea!

I'm a Scorpio and have never had a problem with sea sickness, including some real rough water sailing in San Francisco Bay and a mild hurricane in the Caribbean. The wife a Virgo and hasn't complained yet, either. It will be interesting to see the final analysis.
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