An Introduction to Cruising for Future Cruisers

Feb 15, 2008
Hunter 49 Sydney
What does one do with trash on a long journey? This topic isn't often talked about
The rule on screensaver is nothing must go over the side that will still be here after I have departed this world. I will not leave my rubbish around for my kids or in my after life. However, I also dot agree with the restrictions in some places about food scraps and vegetables etc, so ALL bio- degradable waste goes over the side irrespective of the rules. Many cruisers allow bottles to go over the side saying its sand back to sand. My first rule prohibits that, so we buy beer in canns, crush the cans and keep them. If we get very desperate, and I mean very desperate, we will go to the beach burn any rubbish my rule won't allow to go over the side, then come back when its all burnt and pick it up. This includes canns. This reduces the size by at east 70%. Its not ideal, but its the best I can practically do.