Abandoned vessels, what's the solution?

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Forum Admin, Gen II
Staff member
Feb 1, 2023
The problem of abandoned boats is one the recreational marine industry needs to face. As folks who are involved in some part of the Recreational Marine industry it is also our problem and it is a complex problem because fiberglass boats just don't have the common decency to decay like good old wooden boats.

The problem is complex, it is an economic and social problem. The solution will need to account for the economic, social, and political factors. As someone who has spent his professional life dealing with human behavior, economics, social, and political solutions for problems, I have some views which I would like to put forth here. However, in my role here I should remain silent.

Healthy discussions about political and social problems is good and needed in the appropriate forum. The SBO forums are dedicated to discussions about sailing, our love of sailing, and the perennial problems we face keeping our boats afloat and sailing. This thread has drifted away from that focus.

It would be interesting to know how the marine, aerospace, construction, automotive, and other industries that use composites deal with scrap and waste composites, which is ultimately what an abandoned fiberglass boat is. This thread has is no longer addressing those legitimate questions.

This thread has evolved into an echo chamber for one narrow point of view. That does not align with the purpose of the SBO forums, nor do I believe that it is a healthy discussion of a complex problem. To prevent this thread from devolving into an example of Godwin's Law, it is being locked. If you have questions or concerns about my decision, feel free to send a PM to me.

Thank you for your time reading this post.
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