A Survey for PNW Sailors Re: Anchor Rode

May 7, 2012
Hunter e33 Maple Bay, BC
Since new (12 years ago) I have been carrying 200’ of 5/16” galvanized chain plus 250’ of 5/8” - 3 strand Samson nylon anchor line in our anchor locker (Hunter 33, 12,600 lbs light). Very rarely are we on the anchor line and used a maximum of 250’ of rode (200’ chain + 50 line) once and that was in Drew Hbr on a 4:1 scope in 60’ of water (actually 3.7 in 68’ of water (53’) at high tide (15’)). I am thinking that 450’ is nice but unnecessary for that one time we may have a need but may never come. The reason I would like to reduce the anchor line, by say 100’ - 150’, is to lower the weight of the chain in the anchor locker that is quite shallow and crowded.
So I ask those that cruise and regularly anchor in deeper water (say Desolation and North) how much anchor rode do you carry and what is it’s makeup (chain/line)
Comments are appreciated.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
First time we went to Desolation, we upgraded the rode to 50 ft. of 5/16" chain and 350 ft. of three strand 1/2" nylon. I also throw in a 20# kellet when we're in deep water and can't make a decent scope. If it's blowing hard, I throw in some prayer and someone to babysit our location. I also have the chartplotter anchor alarm lead to the cabin interior with a loud audible. The audible alarm is to wake up the person on anchor watch :facepalm:.