315 Question: What light wind Sail are you using to handle beam to broad reach? Furling Genneker, Doyle UPS, Code 0, whisker pole on the Genoa?


Oct 18, 2021
Catalina 22 Sport Noank
Title says it all. For a 315 did you add a second headsail, and what did you go with?

During the summer, Long Island Sound, and particularly Fisher Island Sound, have two interesting features
  1. 5kt+ air from the south west is the norm and generally an East-West orientation, which implies you are tacking to go West, or running downwind to go East.
  2. 1-2+ kt tidal currents, plus the LIS/Atlantic tides colliding at the entrances to FIS, combined with some fetch, creating 2-3' swells that are really close together; bumpy.
After 1 season on our 315, I find the Main+135% Genoa isn't quite enough for downwind to power through the rougher patches in a broad reach. Often the jib collapses and has to refill, making forward progress slow, or non-existent (going backwards with the current) We do not have a whisker pole.

We are short-handed sailing, so a Spinnaker and Full Asymmetric is not on the list.

I am considering a North Sails "Furling Gennaker" or something similar

Has anyone solved this kind of problem, and what did you do? Would you do it again or something else?

I can talk to the sail makers, but I like some input from the users.