1996 H26 Ballast Valve question (S)

Aug 3, 2013
Hunter 26 Wells next the sea
Good day from the UK (Norfolk to be precise). I have a Legend 26 in the boat yard almost ready to go in the water. I have noticed that the gasket on the ballast valve is not really working - when the tank has water in it kind of leaks out at a bit of a rate. I am guessing time to replace the gasket as I assume that the valve, when closed should neither let water in or out.
Notice a gasket is available from here with 'cut to size' instructions, on which basis, is there any similar material that can be obtained easily which would do the job? I am assuming dropping the valve out is an easy case of releasing fully the wing-nut and leaving a guide line to replace it?
Finally, she will summer in the tidal harbour in Wells. Should the valve be left open or shut during mooring time unattended? - so many questions but thanks in advance for your time!
Jun 1, 2004
Hunter 26 Lake Pueblo Colorado
I think in the past Dave C (the father of the Water Ballast Boats) has recommended neoprene or wet suit material. FYI mine also leaks slightly when I pull up on the trailer, before dropping the ballast, but it is such a small amount I don't worry about it. My opinion is I would not leave the valve open while the boat is in the water as I can not see any good reason in doing so, besides it may just leave enough of an opening for all those pesky bacteria things to get into your ballast tank. Hope this helps Chris
Jan 18, 2014
Hunter 260 Palm Coast, FL
The ballast valve on my boat was not sealing properly either. With the boat launched I pumped as test some water out of the ballast tank (with a hose pump) and found it quickly filled up again.
It is needed to have a good seal there otherwise the water level in the tank will constantly change when sailing, as the pressure on the hull changes by situation.
As on the dry for maintenance I checked the valve gasket. The picture shows what I found. I bought a sheet of neoprene and cut a new gasket, glued it on with 3M 5200.
I keep the valve closed when mooring. Hope that helps,


Aug 3, 2013
Hunter 26 Wells next the sea
Wow chaps, thank you so much for the responses - both much appreciated and welcome. Glad she hasn't yet gone into the harbour based on what I have found. Now, a supplementary question, if I may?
I got the impression that the gasket sold by the site would quite likely amount to something like the neoprene solution you have suggested - especially when the item description suggests you 'cut to fit'!
Could you give me an idea of the thickness of neoprene you used to such effect?
The photos give me hope! Your 'before' image looks much like mine and has undoubtedly been influenced by leaving the valve open as advised.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Sorry not to respond earlier gents, had to take care of a 90% coronary blockage to the heart. Still a little tired and loopy.
Thank you all for helping the fellow. Glue it with 5200 but make sure old glue is removed from the plate and clean it off with alcohol or acetone.
Aug 3, 2013
Hunter 26 Wells next the sea
Dave, Hart, Chris - thank you all so much for your prompt and valuable help. I am now looking to see if I can get 3m 5200 this side of the pond. The valve came out easy as you like the other day and now sits outside here in the yard - looking very much like your 'before' image Hart. Have to say the existing gasket looks very sorry for itself and is in no way attached to the metal plate. I will contact 3m UK to see if there is an equivalent if I am unable to locate the real thing.
This is a great site, but you guys have once again demonstrated what a great community the sailing world can be. Dare I say - much like the motorcycling world of which I am also a devotee. Two very opposite pastimes but with so much to offer, not least the great people. Thanks guys.