The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!

Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Today I installed a remote VHF microphone in the cockpit of my IP 35.
Yah, I know, not the Mac. :confused:

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Nov 8, 2014
MacGregor 26S Chateauguay
V berth storage
Inspired by the mod published om here is my version...
I built the rails with some cedar I had leftover from my last canoe, reinforced it with aluminum angle profile and screwed and epoxied the lot to frame the 40'x24' hole I cut out on the v-berth.
I'm already storing 2 65Ah batteries in parallel, now I can also store fresh water containers as well as spare parts and my toolkit. No more stuff hanging around on the v-berth in plastic boxes.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Mod I did yesterday.. I long ago got rid of heavy stuff under the sink area because if its loose, heavy and solid enough (like a battery) it can crash into the centerboard tube and since the bottom of the tube is below the water line, not a good thing if you bust or crack that tube.

My boat gets used a bunch of ways from over a week camping outings to marina day sailed and after all this time and trying a few different things for water storage, I just like the one gallon jugs. Convenient for marina usage and you dont need to keep them on the boat when trailering plus always fresh and bottled water. I will refill at home once I get a RO water filter system installed. On a long trip, I will store a bunch of them under the Vberth but we would also end up with a jug sitting in the cabin somewhere with no where to put it. So in the last couple days I put in an organizer for three one gallon water jugs shown in the picture below. Its just pine held together with screws and wood glue and painted with Brightside Polyurethane. That is sitting on top of the water ballast tank so its held in place in the front and back with screws (ie, NOT screwed into the ballast tank roof) and it also ends up protecting the centerboard uphaul tube. The plastic bin on the right is coffee supplies only (most important supply on the boat so very easy to get at). One more plastic bin (not in the picture) fits snug behind the coffee bin.
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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Sunset today messing with the electric fridge shut off. Adjusting some things to make the shut off and turn on "snap" states faster. Solar fridge has now been on all the time for .. dang.. Im not sure.. a while anyhow..

Edit.. I got asked in a PM about my traveler from one of the attached pictures. I bought the boat with a Harken Windward Sheet traveler These are on the expensive side but if mine ever busts, I will have to replace it with the same thing. The traveler is a great thing on this boat.. in higher winds you can let the travler all the way over to leeward and still keep the main sheet tight extending the range before you need to reef. For upwind, pull the traveler all the way to windward. The great thing about the windward sheeting is that it automatically releases the cleat that is not being used by the tension on the cleat that is being used. Because its easy to operate, I use it a lot. I use pretty much the full lenght of the traveler track shown in the picture for both upwind and higher winds.

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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
time to start getting ready for Christmas parade of lights next weekend. Mondo panel gets lit up first. LED lights are run off an inverter and what is in the picture was using 1.6 amps at 12 volts. Way more lights get added later, I only have on now what I can still sail with.

I had to get a new lap top and just picked up an inexpensive low end Lenovo 110. I measured the current yesterday with the laptop running on an inverter / 12 volts. When the battery was charging and the laptop being used to web browse, the current was only about 2.5 amps. When the battery finally was fully charged and the still being used to browse, the current through the inverter had dropped to 1.5 - 1.6 amps. The laptop I had two back would have used 4 to 6 amps for the same usage.

Why the new laptop? Our dog (not the one in the picture above) heard a noise (which happened to be the washing machine) and freaked out.. got hung up in the power cord to the laptop which was sitting on a desk nearby. Dog really freaked out and just bolted with the cord still attached and flung the laptop into the wall. Knocked a hole in the dry wall and the power cord and connected got ripped out.. laptop was a total loss.

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Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
Jun 1, 2015
Macgregor 26d Trailer Estates, Fl
On one of my last overnights discovered rain water coming through the flotation hold above the v-berth. So, took all the insulation out of there (3 cubic feet) and then removed all of the deck hardware (3 cleats and 4 stachion bases). Surprised that the cleats are plastic. Not surprised that on most of the bolts are no backers, some had oversized washersB5AE41CB-8318-48C1-A21E-A5712C326122.jpeg . Surprised that some items bedded with caulk. Not surprised that most had nothing. Pleasantly surprised that there appears to be no 5200.

When I got out of the v-berth, discovered that we didn’t remove the stand up block for the furler.

Also, while in the v-berth, cut a hole to make an access panel to the bow. Removed as as yet unmeasured amount of flotation.

I am measuring the floatation so I can put it back, just not in the same place, just the same volume. I really want to use that space for an anchor locker.

Also surprised that I’ve removed about 6 cubic feet (maybe less) of flotation. That would only be 300-360 pounds of flotation. There has to be something smaller with a higher buoyancy.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
On one of my last overnights discovered rain water coming through the flotation hold above the v-berth. So, took all the insulation out of there (3 cubic feet) ....
What year is you D? I've never heard of one that had the flotation above the V-berth, only below it. The S's have it above. I think the last year of the D they changed the way the coaming is in the cockpit to how it is on the S's. I wonder if at that point they also moved the flotation to above the V-berth?

Some of the fittings you found might of been changed or added after the boat left the factory. Ours had deck hardware that I haven't seen on others and I've added yet more.

Like yours there wasn't much in the way of backing. I really didn't like the lack of it for the center cleat at the bow that is used for raising the mast so added backing there and other places under the anchor rollers that I added......

1300 miles to The Bahamas and Back in the Mac...
Endeavour 37 Mods...

MacGregor 26-S Mods...
Mac Trips to Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Canada, Florida, Bahamas
Jun 1, 2015
Macgregor 26d Trailer Estates, Fl
What year is you D? I've never heard of one that had the flotation above the V-berth, only below it. The S's have it above. I think the last year of the D they changed the way the coaming is in the cockpit to how it is on the S's. I wonder if at that point they also moved the flotation to above the V-berth
It’s a 1990. I should probably see if there is a production run number as it might have been one of the last D’s made. I haven’t seen any flotation below the v berth. It must have been removed by a P.O.. I’m guessing, based on the lack of cockpit lazeretts, that there is a lot of flotation under the cockpit seats and in the coaming as well.

A later project is to put the Bimini back on with bolts AND backers instead of screws. This will require access holes in the coamings and probably digging out more styrophome. Then I will have more to give to this thread.
Jun 1, 2015
Macgregor 26d Trailer Estates, Fl
I did not describe the location accurately enough. It’s the same as yours. I was re-reading your link. Find the picture with this text: At the top of this picture you can see the access for the foam above the v-berth and where you get to the majority of the deck hardware. To get to the bow area you need to put a hole in the inner liner. Some people have managed to put in 4 to 6 inch round deck plates there to get to the bow strap bolt. I needed a bigger hole to reach further in and get my upper arm in and also to be able to see up there, so cut a larger rectangular hole and then covered it....

This is also were I got the inspiration for the access panel to the back of the bow.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
I'll bet your D probably has the higher coaming in the cockpit like the S's. Maybe the only difference is the dagger board vs. swing centerboard. I think Roger often did this as he moved from one model to the next. He could change from one model to the next in steps to some degree which made the transition easier,

1300 miles to The Bahamas and Back in the Mac...
Endeavour 37 Mods...

MacGregor 26-S Mods...
Mac Trips to Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Canada, Florida, Bahamas
May 18, 2017
MacGregor 26S Piscataqua
williamtl, I added an anchor locker by stealing space from the v-berth mattress. It's a triangular space between the starboard hull and the forward side of the head bulkhead. A standing hawse pipe is up on deck, with the anchor tied to the forward stanchion. Works slick, and that was useless space on the v-berth. Oh, and I removed the door and cut the bulkhead forward of the head in half. (Another big waste of space.)
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