I was in the yard today working on my boat. I met a guy who just bought a Tartan 37. It had end grain balsa below the waterline in the hull. Well it used to in some parts, there was alot of rot damage that the guy has to repair. From the boot stripe up it looked beautiful though, fully loaded for cruising.
I am trying to strengthen my keel attachment. I ground away 1/4" to 3/8" , down to bare glass, and instead of refairing it with marine putty, I laid in biaxial cloth 1/2" along the sides and an 1" thick on the front and back where the fairing putty had cracks in it when I hauled it.
The yard recommended widening the keel joint all the way around the keel and then shoot it full of 5200. They said they were meant to just crack and that you had to have something flexible in there. That just doesn't sound right. I hope my repair doesn't crack when they lift it up. We'll see.