Trip to Europe (and back) begins


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I hope you followed the "woodworkers code". Measure twice, cut once. If it is 60 feet including the whip antenna, then that means your "published" air draft is about 3 feet more than your measured height from the waterline! That is a huge disparity and not to be a Debby Downer, but I'd check that carefully :yikes: I am a little skeptical at a 3 foot difference from published to measured. I'd expect more in the line of a few inches or a foot at most, mostly due to actual loaded displacement in your current condition to the assumed load for the published air draft. Just saying, something does not seem right. There should be some published inches of draft change per 1000lbs of load for your boat. It is part of the design calcs and sailboat data commonly provided.

Did the PO shorten them mast? It is hard to believe that you have enough weight on board to lower your float line by 3 feet. That would be pretty obvious. Was the "document" just something you got from the PO or is it from published sailboat data for your year, make and model?
No published data from manufacturer on Mast height. The number was given to me by the PO. That's why I checked. Well, one reason I checked. Just went under a 65 foot bridge with the water mark at 65 - I was just about at high tide - and I had lots (realatively speaking) of space above the top, as best we could see.....



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
It's the ICW for now while we have strong head winds off-shore, and predicted for some time out into the future. We decided to run the ditch, watch werather and see if we can jump out from higher north. At least we are making progress.



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Anchored for the night:
View attachment 223779
We made it just before dark. We left late because we were looking to go off shore but after looking at the weather we decided the ICW was the better way to go. Not sure what time we left, but probably around 11 am. A late start for ICW transit. Tomorrow we will be up before dawn and head off as soon as possible. Weather is still looking squirrelly so we may stick to the ICW for now. Progress is being made.

It's been pretty interesting so far. I may try to do this again in the future with a leisurely pace...

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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
It is actually a nice trip at a leisurely pace. Georgetown, just off the ICW a little further north from you and a nice place to stop but since you are doing a transit, it will have to wait for your next trip. Even the Dismal Swamp Canal is not "dismal" at all. We took about 10 days from Norfolk to Beaufort SC but we did not leave early any day and stopped in the late afternoon each day.

You may have to be very careful a little north of where you are now as you'll probably see some skinny water now and then when you are moving through at low tide. Did you get a copy of the "Waterway Guide" before you left Charleston?
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
You can't easily get out to sea from the South Santee River unless you have local knowledge and a set of "brass ones" but you can go to the north end of Cat Island and then go out Winyah Bay to head northeast offshore if the weather looks decent. Or you can stay on the ICW

The next hop off that I recall off the ICW to offshore is the "Little River Inlet." The shoals can shift there so you may want to check with locals for some cautions. There can be some breakers on either side that can be un-nerving when transiting that inlet but it used to be well marked and I imagine it still is. Can you get out at other places along the ICW? Sure, but you need that same set of Brass Ones and real local knowledge. With your 6 foot draft I'd stick with the well marked channels.

After Little River Inlet the next good jump off that I recall is at Southport NC (Bald Head Island). If you don't get off the ICW at Southport then its further north to Masonboro inlet and if you don't take that one you might as well go on to Beaufort NC and up the ICW the rest of the way unless you really want to go around Hatteras.
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Likes: Will Gilmore


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I've got the waterway guide online. Very useful.

Weather is looking like it will be the ICW all the way to Norfolk... Seems it will actually be the fastest route given having to wait for decent weather windows....

We were up today before sunrise, checking weather and looking at what's the best route. Pulled anchor just as the crest of the sun started to peek about the horizon.

Cold and windy...

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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
Hopefully you won't have any bridge opening problems with the wind that slow you down.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Anchored for the night in Enterprise Creek - short day:
View attachment 223798
Yeah, no good anchorages for quite a ways past there so we called it an early night.

I find the ICW quite interesting but it would be much better to do it in a trawler.


p.s. we anchored in a nice little cove just north of Enterprise creek. There was a Bald Eagle nest with the eagle nesting. Very cool!