Trip to Europe (and back) begins


Aug 18, 2015
Currently Boatless Okinawa
I was looking at the Man-O-War channel on Navionics. I wouldn't want to go through in a blow or in the dark. Glad you made it through safe. Enjoy the Bahamas.
It's not much fun at sunset either. Been there, done that.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
We are heading towards St. Augustine FL. Weather windows are short.

We left this morning in a pretty strong wind, left through the bottom of the lagoon instead of beating into the north wind and then hitting significant waves. We will go south around the bottom, hit the Gulf Stream and up to St. Augustine. Might get to see a SpaceX launch!

May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
Current position:

26 28.903 N
078 49.036 W

Beautiful sunny day. Passing in front of s huge shipping port. Tons of commercial traffic all around but easy sailing. Most are anchored waiting to load/unload.
Here's what that looks like:
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Here's the latest - making great progress towards Florida and the Gulf Stream:
View attachment 223615
Looks like we are just hitting the edge of the Gulf stream. We have a bit further yet.

The jog you see in the above image was where I went from straight into an Eddy dropping our boat speed to below 4 knots, to running at an angle to that Eddy, picked up speed and headed towards the Gulf stream.


p.s. current coordinates:

26 37.071 N
079 16.013
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Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
We are heading towards St. Augustine FL. Weather windows are short.

We left this morning in a pretty strong wind, left through the bottom of the lagoon instead of beating into the north wind and then hitting significant waves. We will go south around the bottom, hit the Gulf Stream and up to St. Augustine. Might get to see a SpaceX launch!

We were out for a walk on Monday evening in Tucson and saw this launch. This is not my photo but is from the same area. I checked the launch trajectory and at this point, the second stage was still firing and was about 400-miles from Tucson. Even at that distance it appeared to be crossing the sky at a much higher rate of rotation than a jet liner at 40,000-ft (7.5-miles). The complete crossing on the shy shown in this image took less than 5.5-minutes from 1st stage separation and covered about 550-miles from launch. It was traveling at 14,000-mph and was at an altitude of 88-miles. Very impressive.
Tucson spacex launch.jpg


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Considering weather, arrival times and such, we have decided to skip St. Augustine and are headed to Charlestown. That's a large commercial port that we feel much more confident entering at whatever hour we arrive rather than arriving to St. Augustine at 2 am. Originally, we were slated to arrive around 9:30 am but the boost from the Gulf Stream has been more than we'd figured. We are going to get hit with some weather on the way, but right now it doesn't look too terrible. Let's hope the predictions are correct...

Current position:

28 25.565 N
079 49.847 W

Hoping we can see the SpaceX launch this afternoon. On the charts we are passing a region labeled "Rocket Impact Zone".... I'd rather not that too close of a view...

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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
The rockets launch from pads directly across from Titusville. There may be other launch pads on the cape, but the ones I watched were there.
