Trip to Europe (and back) begins


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
As many of you know, I'm heading off to sail to Europe this year. I'll try to post updates with photos as time permits. Today was the splash, boat is now in the water after a fair amount of work was done. All new thru hulls: several removed - I went from 8 thru hulls to 5. The kitchen sink thru hull I moved from an inaccessible location to right under the sink, logical and easy to access. I removed an ancient forward looking sonar from the hull that looked like a cancer growth and was not a functional device. That makes for easier travel lift work besides likely adding to my hull speed. The SSB ground plate was sandblasted clean and reinstalled. Engine zinc was redesigned as it was a zinc that you can't buy anymore. Same thing on my aft rudder shoe. There were two zincs that must have been custom made. Impossible to find anything even remotely close. So I redesigned those zincs/attachments also. Let me tell you, drilling and taping the stainless on this boat is a major chore! Had my bottom soda blasted and 5 layers of epoxy barrier coat put on and a couple coats of Trinidad bottom paint. Should be good for awhile.

Lots of work on the inside as well, had the 12V system revamped with a LiFePo battery system. I've got an AGM start battery and two AGM batteries running my bow thruster and windlass. Everything feeds off the LiFePo batteries. I'm running twin alternators controlled by a wakespeed 500 controller. I'll be able to dump almost 200 amps into the LiFePo batteries when running the engine. I've several redundancies on the charging.

I'm setting up to have redundancy in steering also, I've an old Raymarine autopilot that runs well enough. It's a direct drive on the rudder and plenty of power to run this boat. I've installed a Hydrovane windvane - that will be my workhorse. And as the Hydrovane is an auxiliary rudder, I've an Autohelm autopilot I used to have on a rudder boat from my past and I can hook it up to the Hydrovane.

All new stainless lifelines - thanks to someone here that gave a link to a company in New England that does a great job and very reasonable priced! 1/4" top and 3/16" middle (or lower?). New Viking Solas A life raft - it almost fits my original life raft mount from 1984! I'll just have to modify that a bit and that life raft will drop right onto it! I'm pretty excited about that! I'd been looking at the measurements of the raft and where I wanted it to go and I was worried it wasn't quite right. I put it in place today and it's like perfect!

Lots more, but here's the photos of the splash!





Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Fair Winds! :beer::beer:
Many thanks. I think you are the person that pointed me to the place in New England for the lifelines. So thank you for that. Saved me close to $1k....


Ward H

Nov 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Mk II Cedar Creek, Bayville NJ
Safe travels and have fun! looking forward to hearing of your adventures.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Boy. Musette looks ready sing her way on the Trades.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Hopefully with plenty of Paper Charts to plot the next day's route, as you cross the Atlantic.

A Great Sailing Adventure begins.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Hopefully with plenty of Paper Charts to plot the next day's route, as you cross the Atlantic.
Lol, I can just picture a set of uninterrupted charts across the Atlantic. "Let me see, what's new on this next chart? It looks like there's going out be a little shallow water, only 2000' under the keel here. Oh, good, still in the Gulf stream all day today. No land again, to worry about."

I know, I'm being cheeky. It is important to understand t the winds and the currents and the shipping lanes.

What route are you planning, Dlj? You still thinking of hopping across to Greenland and Iceland?

Good luck, I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to join you. I will be there in spirit.



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Hopefully with plenty of Paper Charts to plot the next day's route, as you cross the Atlantic.

A Great Sailing Adventure begins.
I've two Atlantic paper charts, one that goes from the East coast of North America to the first Island in the Azores. The second one is from a bit west of the Azores to the West coast of Europe. I'm planning to keep track of my progress on those.



Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
Many thanks. I think you are the person that pointed me to the place in New England for the lifelines. So thank you for that. Saved me close to $1k....

Was that Rigging Only in Fairhaven, MA?


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
What route are you planning, Dlj? You still thinking of hopping across to Greenland and Iceland?

Good luck, I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to join you. I will be there in spirit.

Well, I thought I had that all set, but as things go, I'm still not 100% sure. I was planning to head out the Chesapeake to Bermuda, Bermuda to the Azores and then the Azores to Europe. Now I'm back to thinking might be better to go out the Delaware, up the East Coast to Nova Scotia then Azores and over to Europe. So I guess I'll know when I set sail and I decide which way to go out of the marina where I'm at. The timing is getting a bit off. Bermuda has June 1st as the start of hurricane season. I had hoped to be heading off this week but work on the boat has been taking a bit longer than expected. So the running rigging and some work up the mast will start this coming week. That should take about a week to get done. Then I've got sea trials and calibrations of the new electrical system. So depending on how that all goes and when I can actually head off will have an impact on the route.

It would have been great if you could have come. Indeed part of your spirit will be joining me, the mermaid looks awesome!



Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
I had to go look it up - Yes, that's correct.

Cool, yes, thanks for checking. I've used them, very nice people and good prices. I'm not happy with the lifelines I most recently got from them, only because I'd prefer larger diameter wire, which would have greatly complicated installation - not their fault! I moved to New Bedford so they are only 10 minutes from my home now! Edson is only 12 minutes away, too. One rarely visits these places, but it's handy when you need to.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Cool, yes, thanks for checking. I've used them, very nice people and good prices. I'm not happy with the lifelines I most recently got from them, only because I'd prefer larger diameter wire, which would have greatly complicated installation - not their fault! I moved to New Bedford so they are only 10 minutes from my home now! Edson is only 12 minutes away, too. One rarely visits these places, but it's handy when you need to.
Yeah, I got the 1/4" diameter 316 stainless for the top life line. I had to double check I could install it through my lifelines and the guy at Rigging Only was good to work with. Turns out I just made it to use that diameter wire due to the fittings, but it worked well.

The only glitch I had, not their fault, is the pelican hooks were wider than the originals and the loops they connect to on the staunton were slightly too small in diameter. I never thought to check that. Now I'm glad i didn't. So initially I couldn't put them in. It was only by a small amount so I opened up the loops and got them to fit. I really like the new pelican hooks. I'd seen them at the Annapolis boat show. The way they are designed, they won't open unless you pull the arm. They have a hook design that keeps them closed. It's a nice design. Very failsafe.



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
Bermuda has June 1st as the start of hurricane season.
Early season looks better than last one.:biggrin:

Do not cross in Aug-Sep, single handed.:facepalm:


PS: I helped DJ find his paper charts, per his request.:ass:
PSS: I was going to print them for free, but no PDF were free.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Early season looks better than last one.:biggrin:

Do not cross in Aug-Sep, single handed.:facepalm:


PS: I helped DJ find his paper charts, per his request.:ass:
PSS: I was going to print them for free, but no PDF were free.
In fact, we couldn't even find a .pdf could we? You certainly pointed me in the right direction! Thanks for that!

Early season is looking better? Good! For sure I'm not waiting past June 15th if I can help it...
