Well I don't know about the Sailish Sea I think LIS will be different. Basically you'll be anchoring in 7 to 12' of water and with good holding. This is almost always in a harbor and reasonably sheltered. That's not to say you can be careless, but a good anchor, with a chain segment of, say 10', and rope rode, will do quite well.
It sounds like I've fallen behind on anchor technology but I had a Mantus and was comfortable in those waters with it. I like the roll bar. I had another popular anchor without a roll bar and I regarded it as unreliable. I think it was prone to landing upside down.
Do the math on the sizes of your rodes and go one size up from Rx'ed size anchor from the anchor brand. Pay attention to shackle ratings and understand that the shackle pin will likely be the weak link.
Splice or have spliced your connections and use a thimble and other chafe protection.
Sleep tight!