Yesterday, I decided to replace the impeller on my Yanmar 3HMF to establish a maintenance baseline for my new-to-me boat. The old impeller was in good shape. I replaced it with an impeller purchased from Fisheries Supply (not a Yanmar product) that came with no seal or glycerine packet. I seated the impeller exactly as the old one, wings oriented correctly, added a new seal that I had on hand, and finished the installation. I opened the raw water seacock and I fired up the engine only to find no water coming from the exhaust hole.
Taking the pump apart again, I found one wing on the new impeller had splayed backwards (pictured). Curious. I corrected the positioning according to the original picture and confirming in the manual, reassembled, and tried again. Still, only air out the exhaust. Raw water filling strainer was confirmed. Repeating this twice more with no luck, I reinstalled the old impeller and observed normal operation.
The new and old impellers appear to be identical. The manual I’m using mentions nothing about adding lubricant. Would adding lube help the new impeller stay in position or is something else going on? Are there known issues with non OEM impellers?
Taking the pump apart again, I found one wing on the new impeller had splayed backwards (pictured). Curious. I corrected the positioning according to the original picture and confirming in the manual, reassembled, and tried again. Still, only air out the exhaust. Raw water filling strainer was confirmed. Repeating this twice more with no luck, I reinstalled the old impeller and observed normal operation.
The new and old impellers appear to be identical. The manual I’m using mentions nothing about adding lubricant. Would adding lube help the new impeller stay in position or is something else going on? Are there known issues with non OEM impellers?
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