Yes, nice diagram.
A few things I noted.
You do not need a fuse between the DC Panel and switch.
You do need fuses between the house battery and switch #1 and engine battery and switch #2. Those fuses need to be within 7" of the battery terminals.
You have isolated house and starting circuits now so installing a Dual Circuit Plus switch with SI (starter isolation like
@Scott T-Bird mentioned) would give you a method to start on the house or use the engine battery for the house side **.
Maybe notate the size cables you are using to help you identify the correct size fuse needed. As others have said, you are fusing for the wire size.
** You should have a way to isolate bad house or engine battery, then put the DCP+ switch in "Emergency Both" position. You could install isolation switches at each battery bank or keep a stubby offset box wrench handy so you could disconnect a bad battery quickly.