Chart Plotter Location

May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
I'm adding a chart plotter to my wish list. Curious to know if anyone has installed one and where it is located. I've seen one mounted to the right of the companionway opening but that seems too far away and will get blocked by guests. I recall seeing that someone had created a mount so it could be located on the traveler. Has anyone done something like this? Any other ideas?


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Mount it where you can reach it while steering, the traveler sounds good, I'd like to see the mounting. Then you can get something small, like a 7" Vulcan, with networking.... you can still control tiller pilot, etc. plus also allowing you to add tactical displays elsewhere.... like on the mast or over the companion way so the crew can easily see important data.... windspeed, boatspeed, course etc. (they don't care about looking at a chart, 'cause they ain't navigatin') That's way more functional that one big expensive screen that gets in the way of crew activity on such a cool boat.
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Oct 7, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport Grapevine
I'm adding a chart plotter to my wish list. Curious to know if anyone has installed one and where it is located. I've seen one mounted to the right of the companionway opening but that seems too far away and will get blocked by guests. I recall seeing that someone had created a mount so it could be located on the traveler. Has anyone done something like this? Any other ideas?
The first owner of my boat built a mount for the traveler. I am going to the boat today to winterize. I will get some pictures and post them this evening.
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
The first owner of my boat built a mount for the traveler. I am going to the boat today to winterize. I will get some pictures and post them this evening.
That would be great. Thank you.
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay


Oct 7, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport Grapevine
This is very helpful. Thank you. Two questions: I'm assuming this is angled sufficiently such that the main sheet doesn't interfere with the mount? Also, how is cabling handled? I wonder if it can be run on the underside of the traveler to keep it out out of sight?
Yes, it is angled enough to not interfere with the main sheet. My instruments are wireless and battery/solar powered so there is no cabling. If I added a chart plotter to it I would probably use some bulk head connections under the traveler.

I think if I was doing it myself I would look at some of the Ram Mount options. You could probably configure one of their mounts to position the screen in front of the traveler without having to drill the traveler or bend up an aluminum bracket.

Ward H

Nov 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Mk II Cedar Creek, Bayville NJ
Not a 275 but on my O'day 25 I used a Ram Mount setup as suggested by @F260SS. I mounted it on the inside of the bulkhead and it easily swung out into the companionway opening. People sitting in the cockpit rarely got in the way. I did have to shift forward sometimes unless I zoomed in on the screen.
Another Ram Mount option I've seen is a Ball Mount placed on a seat back far enough back it didn't hit anyones back but gave good visibility to the helmsman. You could put a plug next to it to plug in the CP.
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
These are all great ideas. I'm leaning towards trying to incorporate the traveler since it would provide an unobstructed view for the helmsman and it wouldn't get in the way of others since the traveler already creates a barrier of sorts. Keep the ideas coming and thank you!
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Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
You really have to decide how you want to use it. My experience is that I rarely have the map screen displayed when sailing... instead I have all my sail data.... vmg, course, speed, etc. displayed on the B&G SailSteer screen. The chart screen can have this info also but unless you're looking for AIS targets (definitely a desirable feature) you find the sailsteer screen more useful. If you want the chart on display all the time... then a larger, fixed mount device might suit you better, something you can see from the helm but not necessarily needing the smaller data inserts to be as visible as the course and layline markers.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
That Sail Steer screen seems more for racing but would be useful just sailing. I would probably use the chart screen as a default page because that is the point of a chart plotter - to show you where you are. But if racing on a set course (So you know there aren't depth or obstruction issues), the Sail Steer would excel. I wonder how good it does at integrating current. In the Peconic Bays venue current can differ by yards in certain areas. The Sail Steer would have to update set and drift very quickly in order to beat the brain.
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
My primary objective is to have a chart screen, as @shemandr suggested. There are lots of shallow areas and rocks in Boston Harbor and I want to avoid running aground.
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Oct 2, 2008
Pearson/ 530 Strafford, NH
An old salt from Casco Bay put his on a swing arm mounted inside the companion way so he could swing it out while sailing and back inside at the end of the day.
Mar 11, 2014
MIne is on a swing mount in the companion way. Yes its can be obstructed but I would worry about killing my self or other crew members if it was protruding from the traveler... Besides given the size of those holes any concern about weakening the traveler by taking so much metal away for the mounting bolts
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
MIne is on a swing mount in the companion way. Yes its can be obstructed but I would worry about killing my self or other crew members if it was protruding from the traveler... Besides given the size of those holes any concern about weakening the traveler by taking so much metal away for the mounting bolts
That's two votes for swing mounting in the companionway. How big is the screen? Can you see it from the helm OK?
Dec 28, 2015
Laser, Hunter H30 Cherubini Tacoma
Maybe I missing something but how are you going to be able to use anything mounted in the pod when the traveler/main sheet is mid ship which is the majority of the time? I’d suggest mounting the plotter within fingers reach of where you normally place yourself in the cockpit. I do a lot of single hand which puts me between the helm and traveler. My plotter is a IPad mounted to the grab rail on the helm that I can face front, back and side to side.


Oct 7, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport Grapevine
How about something like this mounted just in front of and below the traveler? It would be easy to remove the chart plotter and swing out of the way when you didn't need it. I wouldn't want one mounted in the companionway where you can't get to it from the helm position.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
That's two votes for swing mounting in the companionway. How big is the screen? Can you see it from the helm OK?
On my boat you reach the unit from the tiller, but on your boat, the long cockpit and relatively small cabin, may place it out of reach. Simple enough to determine by sitting at the tiller and seeing if you make the reach to 5 or 6 inches from the bulkhead. The double swing arm allows for a number of useful positioning options.
Found these old pics to give you an idea... but I have a regular C27 and the cockpit is much smaller than your 270 sport. Only way to tell though is to get to the boat for some test fitting. Good luck.
Mar 11, 2014
On my boat you reach the unit from the tiller, but on your boat, the long cockpit and relatively small cabin, may place it out of reach. Simple enough to determine by sitting at the tiller and seeing if you make the reach to 5 or 6 inches from the bulkhead. The double swing arm allows for a number of useful positioning options.
Found these old pics to give you an idea... but I have a regular C27 and the cockpit is much smaller than your 270 sport. Only way to tell though is to get to the boat for some test fitting. Good luck.
View attachment 201058 View attachment 201059
Mine is mounted on the swing arm. If you sit behind the Traveler reading the stats on the Face of it depend on your eyesight. I can read the numbers if I have my glasses on and other crew, much younger with better eyes, can read it with no problem.
May 12, 2020
Catalina 275 Sport 31 Quincy Bay
I'm adding a chart plotter to my wish list. Curious to know if anyone has installed one and where it is located. I've seen one mounted to the right of the companionway opening but that seems too far away and will get blocked by guests. I recall seeing that someone had created a mount so it could be located on the traveler. Has anyone done something like this? Any other ideas?
Just a follow up on this post. I ended up mounting my new Axiom 9 chart plotter to the traveler (see picture). I used Weld Mount 8040 adhesive to mount two weld mount #10 studs to the front vertical face of the traveler (thereby avoiding drilling any holes in the traveler). The Weld Mount stuff is amazing and has great holding power. I bought a Ram Mount swing arm which I've attached to the Weld Mount studs so I can change the position of the chart plotter as needed. I'm going in the water in 3 weeks but I think this is going to work out great. The mount in no way interferes with the function of the traveler or the rotation of the cup holders. Ran the cables through this Blue Sea System CableClam on the starboard side of the traveler.


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