eye candy

May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
Tom, tap on the colored dragon above, post #1115, and it will take you to the Scottish maritime museum where they claim the dragon is the Fife trademark. or so i understood it.


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
I picked out a first motorboat for friends.

I of course started with glass but found very little of interest in something that would fit first time boat owners (they just bought a house on the harbor, with a dock). I was looking for an open motorboat that could carry grandparents to grandchildren to various nearby islands and coastlines. Safe, seakindly, solid, basic.

The future operator (the middle generation of the family), 40 something, eyed an old Chris Craft ad. "What about this?"

Oh no,... I realized, he had the 'eye' for classic boats.

The CC wasn't suited for the open waters of our bay (plus original engine, rot, etc) so I suggested this: A 24' 1961 Brownell Bass Boat.

It was love at first sight. UNDER CONTRACT – 24′ Brownell/Eldredge McInnis Bassboat


I know enough about wooden boats to know what I don't know. This one has had a major rebuild by a reputable yard and is now undergoing a repower.

I first checked with the broker (right here in my harbor). 'If we bought this boat, do you have the space to store and fully care for it?' They did. Done.

She's not a high-maintenance boat anyway. I wanted to be sure their mechanics would be servicing the engine, always on the lookout for the slightest problem (it's a gas engine so it'll see no 'diy' work which can make gasoline more dangerous).

Nice mobo, even I approve.


I'll deliver with the owner and we'll both get a crash course in mobo operation.

The delivery is a 3 hour tour,...we're taking my wife Mary Ann. What could go wrong?

Two helm stations! Cool, huh?


May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
nice boat. my brother's middle name is brownell, mine's winthrop. named after some relative john winthrop who showed up in 1635. mom's family goes back to the mayflower. that guy's best friend was john alden on the mayflower. i own a john alden sailboat.

..... there is a yankee theme going on. prolly a brownell connection somewhere

john paul jones called the winthrops the biggest social snobs on the eastern seaboard. he had no use for them. i'm a fan of john paul.
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Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA

The Norwegian gaff-rigged pilot cutter FLEKKERØY
From the story in WoodenBoat Magazine


This shot from above, gives design hints why she would be a good boat in a big sea. Small cockpit, lots of desk space, small companion way. Canoe shaped hull. But a lot of wood to varnish.