Boom Vang placement on an O’day mariner

Jul 13, 2021
O’Day Mariner Webster Lake Sailing Assoc
I bought a mariner this season and have been racing it with the fleet at my local sailing assoc. I would like to add a Vang and would like to see how others have mounted theirs. Would some other members please post a picture of their setup?
New to the forum first post here. Go easy on me if this info is already here on the forum I couldn’t find it.
thank you,
I see sails ;)
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new sailboat!!

For you size sailboat you could install either a soft vang consisting of a block and tackle arrangement that mounts to the base of the mast with a shackle and to an attachment point on the bottom of the boom at about a 45-degree angle or a boomkicker. The former would be easier to rig up and you can easily build one yourself like in this example 1975 AMF Alcort Puffer - Boom Vang Setup - Bing video or buy a kit from a supply house like RigRite. You will also need a means to secure the vang control line like a cam cleat.

Soft vang: Boom Vangs (
Boomkicker: BoomKicker Boomkicker boom support for Oday 25 ( and Boomkicker models (
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jul 13, 2021
O’Day Mariner Webster Lake Sailing Assoc
Hi sfbay, thank you for the warm welcome!!! Also I haven’t heard of that site before thank you for the tip! Things like that, finding new places to purchase hardware and supplies from other sailors is why I joined up. Also, I need to explore the sire and see if there is a selling section, I don’t mind buying things second hand to save a few coins. The Vang in the vid looks a lot like the one from D&R marine.

So here’s the thing I’m really curious about attachment points. On my boat, I’m fairly certain there’s no way I’m going to get a 45 degree angle unless the whole assembly is extremely short and very close to the mast. I’m hopefully going up to my boat tonight and will snap a few pictures to help show why I’m asking about attachment points. Unlike my day sailor 2 there is not much room on the mast below the sail. On the day sailor there is already an eyelet on the mast and a plate just like the one on the sunfish laser vangs however, not on the Mariner.
Also for the price of some of these premade vangs it seems like buying a couple fiddle blocks, one with a cleat, and some line would be about the same cost.
Again thank you for the warm welcome I look forward to being a part of the forum!!
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Photo of a boom vang on an O'Day day sailor attached for reference. Glad to hear you researched the alternative costs. Suggest asking the premade vang supplier recommendation on attachment hardware for boom and mast base after showing them you photos.


Jul 13, 2021
O’Day Mariner Webster Lake Sailing Assoc
Hi there thank you very much however, I think you are confused. I need information on how others attach a boom vang on an O’day mariner

thank you again man!

Dave Groshong

SBO Staff
Staff member
Jan 25, 2007
Catalina 22 Seattle
We offer boom bails and mast hounds, but hopefully the manual addresses that specifically, here is a link to a website that sells the manuals for ODays
Jul 13, 2021
O’Day Mariner Webster Lake Sailing Assoc
Hi Dave,
Thank you so much for your reply and link to where I can buy a manual. However, I really don’t want to buy a manual. I’m on this forum find information on my boat for free. Also, I don’t think a manual would help, I can get oem parts from D and R marine as the owner worked for O’day some 20 years or so. D&R marine is actually the cheapest place to buy replacement parts for O’day boats. They put their competitors to shame actually. So manuals aside, what I would like to buy is a boomvang. I live near defender marine, a very large online store for everything boating, they have amazing prices as well! Because I live so close to them I can take advantage of their warehouse outlet where they have things marked lower than online. I’ll probably buy one from them. I was hoping to reach out and find other owners of of O’Day Mariners who use club racing sails and have over come the obstacle of low boom to cabin clearance.

I’m staring to wonder if perhaps I posted this in the wrong area of this forum or if should I direct my attention to the mariner class association.

Thank you so much for your help, calm waters and steady winds my friend.
Dec 28, 2020
O'Day 19 Marina Del Rey
I have a Mariner, and I'll take a picture later today of how my Vang is attached. I'm interested, because I wasn't able to figure out how it attached to the mast, originally. But I'll take a picture of what I came up with and hopefully someone will sound in on the best way to go.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I’m staring to wonder if perhaps I posted this in the wrong area of this forum or if should I direct my attention to the mariner class
Welcome to SBO, icysails. You have to be patient. There are a lot of O'Day models and a few Mariner owners here. We are all happy to help in any way we can, but it may take a while before someone with your specifications, a Mariner with a vang setup they can share, ready and able to respond.

I own a Mariner and am planning to install a homemade kicker on her. A lot of Mariner sailors install Cunninghams instead, a little different effect, but O'Day Mariners were not sold with vangs so you may not find ready answers right away.

I am the VP of Communications for the Association. If you're not a member, it's very cheap and basically pays for itself with the discount for BoatUS. The association is very active and you will certainly get the answers you're looking for there.

sail sfbay laid out the typical setup. A Mariner has a low sweeping boom over the cabin, so it may need a shallower angle.

Good luck.

Dec 28, 2020
O'Day 19 Marina Del Rey
I snapped a picture of my vang before going out with my kids today. As luck would have it, the cable that held the base of it to the mast broke while we were out. So it's something I'm going to re-do, this time a little more robustly. The top has a ball that slides into a key-type slot. The middle is a block and tackle.

I'm not sure what the correct way is to connect it to the mast.
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Jul 13, 2021
O’Day Mariner Webster Lake Sailing Assoc
Welcome to SBO, icysails. You have to be patient. There are a lot of O'Day models and a few Mariner owners here. We are all happy to help in any way we can, but it may take a while before someone with your specifications, a Mariner with a vang setup they can share, ready and able to respond.

I own a Mariner and am planning to install a homemade kicker on her. A lot of Mariner sailors install Cunninghams instead, a little different effect, but O'Day Mariners were not sold with vangs so you may not find ready answers right away.

I am the VP of Communications for the Association. If you're not a member, it's very cheap and basically pays for itself with the discount for BoatUS. The association is very active and you will certainly get the answers you're looking for there.

sail sfbay laid out the typical setup. A Mariner has a low sweeping boom over the cabin, so it may need a shallower angle.

Good luck.

I snapped a picture of my vang before going out with my kids today. As luck would have it, the cable that held the base of it to the mast broke while we were out. So it's something I'm going to re-do, this time a little more robustly. The top has a ball that slides into a key-type slot. The middle is a block and tackle.View attachment 196690

I'm not sure what the correct way is to connect it to the mast.
Oh no I’m very sorry to hear the cable snapped on you! Thank you so much for the photos, that is exactly what I was looking for. Would you be so kind as to tell me the distance from the mast to the attachment point on the boom please?