I like the post about reefing. I always worried it would slow the boat. I have rigged jiffy in the mast but after hooking to the sail I did not like the amount of rope hanging all over so I untied the reefing line and figured I would only retie it when I intended to use it. I was afraid of that much rope just begging for something to foul on.
You should be reefing early and often, and when you are heeling excessively, your boat will sail faster and be easier to control if reefed, plus folks wont need to be hanging on for life.
You definitely want to have your reefing lines permanently run and ready for use. To try to run a reefing line when you need to use it, is asking for trouble, say the someone falls overboard kind of trouble. Reefing line are intended to be left installed, if you have a loose line management problem, then something just isn't being secured away properly.
If you have a clew reefing line that runs forward on the boom, the trick when reefed is to hang the excess reefing line off the cleat on the boom, just like a hanging a halyard on the mast. Take a look at this video for hanging a halyard, same idea.
Note with double braid line the rope coils should be figure-8s not circular, as circle coils actually put twists in double braid line.
I'd suggest you install your reefing lines and make and post a picture of the hanging lines conundrum and we should be able to advise how to solve that issue, as none need exist.