2 or 3 bades, the hull is only going to go prolly just shy of hull speed. that's it. subtrack the head on current speed and you will get VMG.
simple vectors.
a properly sized 2 blade and a properly sized 3 blade will push you the same speed.
the fewer the blades, the more efficient each blade is. it is the science of such.
dragging a three bladed prop is just like dragging a bucket. this is true. dragging a two bladed prop has drag as well. that said. it's when the wind is lighter that the biggest difference will be noticed. not when it's blowing twentyfive and you have loads of horsepower. so, you will prolly sail more on the lighter wind days because your VMG'g will be way better.
i sail with a two bladed 'sailing prop'. michigan wheel. braking, backing up, maneuvering, i find no difference at all between the two. i have a full keel and can put my boat where ever i want with the 'two'.
i disagree with those that claim you'll have a difference between a properly sized two or three.