Daysailer III, centerboard lines stuck

Jun 11, 2020
O'Day Daysailer III Spruce Run, Barnegay Bay
The lines to raise and drop the centerboard do not appear to be working, they feel stuck, i have read that this tends to happen and they need to be replaced. How difficult is this to do? I removed the 2 plates from the bottom and the centerboard is basically ready to come out but its currently on the trailer and the main beam on the trailer is in the way. Is it easiest to flip the boat to work on it? Not sure how to do that without getting a bunch of people to help. I was trying to find a diagram of how the lines go so I could understand how it might be stuck and what i might need.
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Hope the diagram of a Day Sailer II helps. Might contact/join Day Sailer Org: Day Sailer Association - Forum. You might these threads helpful.

Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
Well, I was going to say that the DS III setup is basically the same as the DS II.... then post a diagram showing the rigging of the lines...... but...... someone beat me to it! That's good, and even better when they post the drawing that I have In my files. Taking the boat off the trailer and laying her on her side against a wall may be the easiest, or else take boat halfway off the trailer with the stern supported by a sawhorse or boat stands is one other idea (see article from Small Boat Journal, below for instructions). I do it that way to paint my DS II centerboard and well each year, also if I need to remove the CB for maintainance. I have also replaced the CB "up cable" with the boat pulled halfway onto the trailer on a beach, but no pictures of that, I guess I was too busy doing the work and minding the tide to take pictures. <GRIN!>


Apr 23, 2017
O'Day Day Sailer 3 Lake Nockamixon, Pa.
The centerboard is stuck in the up position on mine also. Not sure why as I had it lowered and cleaned barnacles off it and inside the trunk. After that it worked fine, but now that it has been in the slip for a week I can't lower it. Is it made out of wood and could be floating? I just got it into the water and I hate to pull it back out to bring home again. Mine is also a DS3 and it was suggested to me to holesaw a hole in the top of the trunk and using a dowel try to mo
Apr 23, 2017
O'Day Day Sailer 3 Lake Nockamixon, Pa.
I just returned from the lake after trying the suggestion given to me about holesawing a hole in the top of the trunk.I used a dowel and a little push on it and the centerboard came free. So I'll be able the put removing the board till the end of the season. I located the hole above the cleat for the up line. I felt that would be about canter of the board
Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
I just returned from the lake after trying the suggestion given to me about holesawing a hole in the top of the trunk.I used a dowel and a little push on it and the centerboard came free. So I'll be able the put removing the board till the end of the season. I located the hole above the cleat for the up line. I felt that would be about canter of the board
That is pretty close to where I located the hole on my CB trunk, one VERY important tip!! Provide a way to close that hole when you are not using it to push the CB down, since, at least on my DS II, the top of the actual CB trunk is a little below the underside of the molded cap that is part of the cockpit molding and water will surge up in the CB trunk underway and spill into the bilge. I used a regular screw-in plastic drain plug on mine, with a cone-shaped plug that plugs the hole in the actual CB trunk (somewhere I have a picture of this and will try to look for it and post it. Another tip, if you have enough water depth in your slip, leave the CB down a little (mine is down about 8-9") that has prevented the CB from getting stuck in the up position, also check out the drawing that I posted above of the upper end of the CB, note where I mention sanding/grinding a bit of a radius to the upper forward corner of the CB, that has also reduced the chance of the CB jamming as the CB may be slightly thicker there on some boats than the inside of the CB trunk is wide. Oh, and rest assured, if your boat still has the original CB, it is fiberglass, no wood.
Apr 23, 2017
O'Day Day Sailer 3 Lake Nockamixon, Pa.
Thank you for the help Sunbird! You lost me on the trunk discription about water getting into the bilge. Are you saying there is an inner and outer trunk. I am getting some water in the bilge, but even when sitting in the slip. I was planning on looking into that this winter. I thought perhaps a crack in the trunk.
Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
Yes, the actual CB trunk is part of the hull, and the part you see in the cockpit is part of the deck mold, again, not sure about on your DS III, but on my DS II there is a slight gap between the two (may or may not be some thickened resin slurry/putty that fills the gap on some boats. When you look in the hole you may be able to tell. Possible other leaking spots would be the screws that hold the CB pivot assembly in place, just screwed through the bottom of the boat. also check around the stern drain plug for the bilge area, I also added a sketch of what my CB trunk is like around where I drilled the hole for my push stick. Final picture shows where my push-stick hols is placed, but it isn't the best picture of it! I'll have to try to take a better one soon.


Apr 23, 2017
O'Day Day Sailer 3 Lake Nockamixon, Pa.
Sunbird, Your sketch of the sectional view of the centerboard trunk makes perfect sense. That is what I found on my DS3. When holesawing a 3/4 inch hole I removed a slug from the holesaw that showed about 3/8 inch of fiberglass then something that looked like that spray insulating foam used around windows and door frames. At the inner end was a thin section of fiberglass and it was gellcoated and also had a concave curve to it like your sketch shows. It shouldn't be a leak problem on my boat as it seemed to be completely filled. My DS3 is an 88 model and seems to be exactly like your DS2 sketches. Thanks again, I hope all this info helps others!
Mar 9, 2019
O'Day Daysailer III Rehoboth Bay Sailing Assoc
I have been having my own "adventures" with the CB on my DS3 as well. Last year, on my last sail, the CB got snagged on the bottom (low tide in Rehoboth Bay, DE) and after limping back to shore I discovered it was lost! I am in the process of ordering a new one from DR Marine. Rudy has been quite helpful. I also have a "spare" CB from a DS2 that I am modifying to work in my boat in the meantime. I had to plane the DS2 CB thinner to make it fit - not pretty, and probably not a sturdy as it should be any longer.

Have a look at my thread on another DS forum. Forum • View topic - I lost my DS III centerboard! My sailing association uses a crane to get boats in and out of the water. I took advantage of the off-season quiet to use the crane to tip my boat as I pondered the CB, took measurements and so on.

In the process of doing all of this I have taken a lot of measurements of all the relevant parts. I will post a diagram when I am done (and am sure it's all good).
