Once a sailor, always a frog


Jul 31, 2010
AquaCat 12.5 17342 Wateree Lake, SC
Aw, Kermit. I am sad to hear this.
We did everything we could to make sailing work for us. The sailing part is still just as exciting as ever. There just weren’t enough successful sailing days. And waaaaay too many cleaning days and worrying days.
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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I have every confidence that your sailboatpenia is only a temporary condition. My recommendation is to drink plenty of fluids, cut back on the oils and petroleum in your diet and get some exercise by lifting plenty of :beer:. Preferably in 3 super sets of 12 reps.

-Will (Dragonfly)
May 27, 2004
Hunter 30_74-83 Ponce Inlet FL
I'm not gonna stand for this!
I'm a (mostly) single handing sailor and used to have a small gekko type lizard
on a cruise to Ga and SC. Stayed with me all the way back to FL.
I'm mascot-less at the moment and a frog would do nicely.
So.... Get you sea bag squared away and plan on coming to New Smyrna Beach
for a cruise. Don't care where to or how long.
Don't make me sail up there to get you! :D
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
Funny you should mention the water ballast scenario. I remember getting a nasty gram one time when I made a 26c comment and about how I shouldn’t be allowed to do so. After I mentioned that I owned one from brand new for the better part of 15 years, I got an apology.
@Kermit just remember one thing there old son:
That thing won’t float. :)

Go west. When you see water, turn right. Call. You know the number :). :beer:


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake

You can drive your new toy on up to Lake Champlain, park and come sail with me on my boat. I do not require you to clean the boat.

I'm up there most weekends between mid May through mid October sailing. If your shoulders aren't up for handling lines, not to worry. I'll do the work. I'd like to think I'm a decent host. I think the photo Will just posted of the kite surfer was taken this past weekend off my boat. You can ask him for a second opinion on that front...

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I think the photo Will just posted of the kite surfer was taken this past weekend off my boat. You can ask him for a second opinion on that front...
Unfortunately, not a photo I took. But seeing those guys kiteboarding from your boat was the inspiration for my image search. My phone just doesn't take good enough photos to capture such images from the distance we were at most of the time and I didn't have the presence of mind to get a picture of the one guy who came close enough.
I'd like to think I'm a decent host.
"Can confirm", to quote my new favorite show.

Kermit, you'ld do well to take dLj up on his offer. Besides the excellent company, Lake Champlain truly is a first class cruising ground. Just please let me know so I can join you.

-Will (Dragonfly)
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May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
Ugh...I will tell you that part of me still regrets selling Saga. Truth be told, I have had the powerboat out three times this year. Having a 13 month old and schedules to deal with definitely mess up your time. I think my kayak has hit the water only 2 times. Last fish I caught was back in June, the last time I went fishing.

My wife is already resisting my plans to get back into a sailboat in a few years. She likes the GD powerboat. Sorry, but I prefer something with a little less fuel consumption (Powerboat burns about 8 gallons or more an hour).

Kermit, believe me, you will have an itch that you can't scratch. You will miss those nights out at anchor. A camper is nice, but it isn't the same as going into a beautiful cove, dropping the hook, grilling a nice dinner, and just relaxing. Nothing compares to the sunsets and sunrises over the water.

Congrats on the land yacht....er....maybe land mega-dingy since it doesn't have an engine.
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Jul 24, 2005
Beneteau 323 Manistee, MI
Sad to hear, but I have reached that fork in the road too...
Due to a crappy start to the summer, a new knee, and crew shortage, I’m about ready to hang out the for sale sign. I have only been out four times so far this year, and already got the notice in the mail that its time to haul out for winter storage.
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
That must be your Tadpole -right?
The Frog swallows the anchor? That's going to cause a major rib-et! I've been estranged from my boat since I moved to FL because it is still in Southold NY with a for sale sign on it. As soon as it sells I'm looking for a yachty looking pocket cruiser and see if I can do an extended cruise of the Chesapeake. My curiosity continues. Good travels in your RV!
. View attachment 168608
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Jan 22, 2008
Catalina Catalina 320 1037 Kent Island MD
The same thing happened to us. We were using our boat less and less and using the RV more and more. Still miss the boat. but don’t want two big toys to maintain.
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