But what about the thread... The person with the most toys wins?:yikes:
jssailem SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John Oct 22, 2014 22,533 CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA Aug 22, 2019 #41 But what about the thread... The person with the most toys wins? Likes: Kermit and Meriachee
Meriachee . Aug 1, 2011 3,972 Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina Aug 22, 2019 #42 Long box, dually, full load diesel 5 ton chassis with custom sleeper and 55’ quad axle 5th wheel? I’d still rather have a 320. Likes: Ward H, jssailem and Kermit
Long box, dually, full load diesel 5 ton chassis with custom sleeper and 55’ quad axle 5th wheel? I’d still rather have a 320.