As Ron20324 noted above there was this article that I've quoted below. You can read it in all its "glory".
The article in the Capital Gazette is a classic example of why I like to say "ink is one the most poisonous toxins known to man" -- 'ink', as in talking to the press.
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Michael Andorsky was on the sailboat that was struck broadside by a power boat near Thomas Point on Aug 17. (Joshua McKerrow/Capital Gazette)
Crash survivor: 'All of a sudden, his boat was sitting on top of our boat'

Conditions were clear on Aug. 17 when he and his friend took out a J/105 sailboat that belongs to the Chesapeake Boating Club in Eastport, where Andorsky is a member.
He said he saw the power boat “way off in the distance” and knew they were probably on a collision course. Motorboats typically give way to a sailboat, so Andorsky said he stayed his course.
And then it was too late.
“I’m waving at the guy, yelling, and all of a sudden, his boat was sitting on top of our boat,” Andorsky said.
Andorsky was sitting in the back of the sailboat by the wheel and his friend was a couple feet in front of him on the port side. He said he believes he and his friend would have been killed if the powerboat struck much closer to the stern of his sailboat. And if the sailboat hadn’t been heeling to starboard, the powerboat could have broken it in half, he said.
After the collision, the people in the charter boat were above them, looking down at them. They asked if everyone was OK.
“I was just thinking that this is ridiculous, but how lucky we both are to be able to talk about it,” he said.
At home, Andorsky let his wife get used to seeing him, looking perfectly unscathed, before telling her what happened.
A friend’s wife put the photo of the collision on Facebook and the phone started ringing. He wrote his sister and brother-in-law to tease them about being powerboaters.
Andorsky expects to go sailing again soon. He has been sailing for about 20 years, ever since he took sailing lessons with his wife and “got bitten by the bug.”
He certainly walked away from the collision with a good sailing story.
But he said, “I hope it’s my last one.”
Staff writer Danielle Ohl contributed to this report.