Today, after noticing rain water flowing in through the port and starboard chaiplates during the recent tropical storm that passed through Tucson, I gooped.
We shall see.
We shall see.
We used to keep our cooler under there also, but found it not very convenient when we just wanted to grab a cold drink etc., so we started placing it on the cabin bench, where the well for it is now. Under the cockpit seats we've added drawers to both sides. port side for pots and pans etc, and starboard side is for cloths (we overnight a lot).I stick mine under the cockpit starboard seat. Take the screws out of the hinges so the lid slides off. Great place for the weight and access from interior , limited, and through the seat hatch. I ran some plywood ac cross the stringers to make a flat surface. 90 qt. Marine Igloo works perfect. I can still get both anchors in there, my ladder, spare fuel and my 2hp Evenrude.
I remove the lid and slide it into place from the cabin. It drops down and does not move.
Ken B
CMDRE - North east Trailer Sailors
hahaha! I sleep under there. I call it the coffin or dragster seat. The table is just too small for my wife and I. She is good for a night out but not much more. That is the only drawback to the boat. I'm a big hiker so the boat conditions are far better than I am used to. Bathroom, cooler, bed, grill who could complain right? Wrong. She says it's like going to the bathroom under her office desk. Hahahaha!
That was the killer for me when I looked at a 25. I couldn't see bashing my legs all night or being unable to get up quickly. The big berth in the 26 fits me well though.Yup... We also day sail a little Victoria eighteen. in the old Vic literature it says there are two "berths" under the cockpit seating. now-a-days, the owners refer to those as the "torpedo tubes".
I modified our M25 V-berth with a hinged addition over the head area. the added section can be hinged up and latched if one really HAD to use the porta pot, but so far we've not needed to even do that. we just use the area to stow excess "stuff". the expanded v-berth area is nearly queen size (more at the foot and less at the head) and very comfortable. I do have some envy of the 26s rear berth, and I'd be happy to own one, but for the money difference in boats and some other feature preferences,..... we'll be keeping the M25That was the killer for me when I looked at a 25. I couldn't see bashing my legs all night or being unable to get up quickly. The big berth in the 26 fits me well though.
I did like the heavier centerboard though.