&%#$. changing mainsheet cleat angle on the 25?


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
I know someone out there has a simple solution that makes releasing the main sheet cam cleat on the Mac 25 easier when the breeze is up a bit. When the winds are light it's no problem for me, but during stronger gusts (when I need a release the most) I find that I sometimes have to stand up to get enough angle on the cleat to release it. the swivel bracket seems to be tempered aluminum, so I sure wouldn't try and bend it down, but………
I really don't intend to make major changes on the hardware/design. just looking for an easier release under load.
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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
On my Mac I added about an 8" pigtail between the deck and the cleat. That helped some and got the line clear of the crew. I still ended up getting a new cleat with an adjustable angle.
I had trouble on the Hunter too and I turned the cam cleat upside down. Seems that all the boats with upper deck travelers were already set up this way.
Some options anyway.
May 16, 2011
Macgregor V-25 Charlton, MA- Trailer
I have the same issue. Usually a pull then snap up works. Get the cams rolling forward before the snap seems to work and takes practice. It still scares the crap out of everyone when I have to stand up in a gust and pop it out. Usually the boat is starting to heel pretty good when that happens! Not so bad when the cleat is right next to your right elbow.
May 16, 2011
Macgregor V-25 Charlton, MA- Trailer
How much was it? Looks cool.
I installed swivel cam cleats to replace the clam cleats for my jib a couple years ago. Love them!!
Nothing says excitement like the genoa blowing out suddenly in a gust!! Now I can't blame the cleat.


Aug 12, 2014
Hunter 31 (1983) Pompano Beach FL
Not a Mac 25, but when I redid mine to change the routing of the sheet, I went with a downward facing cam. This is so much easier than the complicated forward to the mast and then back to the cabin top winch routing that we had before, and with the additional leverage of a triple with cam and becket I can work the main easily by hand.
2016-07-20 20.10.49.jpg


Aug 12, 2014
Hunter 31 (1983) Pompano Beach FL
Nice pic. Who's in front?
2 boats on the water is a race ;)
Wednesday night beer can races last night with the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club The picture is of Dale Kern's Ericson 32 . He passed us with ease to leeward in last night's stiff breeze. I am going to blame his larger Jib LOL, but I only had one son to crew last night as his brother is fly fishing with a friend in VA this week, and the other two people I had lined up bailed at the last minute. We still had a successful night for our second ever race in the Stargazer. Plus my son Colin got a taste of short handed racing. Its amazing how much improvement there was over last weeks race.
Jul 29, 2010
Macgregor 76 V-25 #928 Lake Mead, Nevada
MID BOOM MAINSHEET WITH TRAVELER!! NUFF SAID. Like picture posted by Pateco. Clears out stern. Can adjust main shape better. etc etc etc. See Sumners posts. I consider him to be a great source. Sumner please send check via paypal.:thumbup:
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Received the new swivel cleat setup very late yesterday and it's mounted and ready for sailing at 9:00 AM. looks like it will really work well for me, as it allows a MUCH better angle on the sheet. I was able to re-use the oem standing block and just had to drill some new mounting holes to bolt the assy on with. there's a storage bin in the rear of the boat that was removed to access the nuts from under the deck, so no crawling back in the cave was needed. :thumbup:
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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Looks great. Did you put some solid backing behind it? There's a lot of tension force on it.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Looks great. Did you put some solid backing behind it? There's a lot of tension force on it.
Yes. a 3/4" thick block of oak about 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 went underneath. there was a similar block on the stock one, but it's a bit too small to re-use on the new setup. sorry, I forgot to mention that.
Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
I had a few issues with the main sheet cleating/camming also, so I changed it so it works well no matter which side of the boat you're setting on.. I could post a link to how I set it up, but I'm on my phone right now and dont know how from here... the photos of it are in my albums/media... the mac25 album.


Aug 12, 2014
Hunter 31 (1983) Pompano Beach FL
Received the new swivel cleat setup very late yesterday and it's mounted and ready for sailing at 9:00 AM. looks like it will really work well for me, as it allows a MUCH better angle on the sheet. I was able to re-use the oem standing block and just had to drill some new mounting holes to bolt the assy on with. there's a storage bin in the rear of the boat that was removed to access the nuts from under the deck, so no crawling back in the cave was needed. :thumbup:
View attachment 126253
So the main sheet sheets on the port side? Or, is there something I am missing out of frame in the picture?