To improve ventilation in my 9.2, I've been thinking of installing a Nicro day/night solar vent in the lens of the forward hatch. I had one on my last boat and it really helped with eliminating the musty smell many boats have. I actually bought one of these during WM's recent sale, but I almost didn't get it because I read the product reviews. Apparently Nicro redesigned this product in the last few years and, if the reviewers are correct, the new design is substantially inferior to the older one. Seems to work OK when new but doesn't last very long. Before cutting the requisite hole in my new boat I thought I'd see if any of you guys had any personal experience with this product, or if you know of a good alternative. Most of the alternate products appear to be pretty cheap Chinese knock-offs (which apparently the Nicro vent is now, as well). Any thoughts?