We're very excited to welcome back our own Head Mistress, Peggie Hall, to the Marine Sanitation forum. She'll be hanging out there for the next few weeks to answer your questions about -- wait for it -- marine sanitation. Well, that, and marine toilets, hose, maintenance, and how to manage boat odors.
And speaking of boat odors, February marks the return of Peggie's expanded and updated book, The New Get Rid of Boat Odors. Order now and you'll not only get one of the first books off the press, you'll also get an autographed copy.
Please welcome back Peggie Hall!
And speaking of boat odors, February marks the return of Peggie's expanded and updated book, The New Get Rid of Boat Odors. Order now and you'll not only get one of the first books off the press, you'll also get an autographed copy.
Please welcome back Peggie Hall!