Here is page two of the CDI manual. I've taken the liberty of highlighting the second paragraph. I guess the key word is "may", you've obviously been lucky, my experience has been different on every CDI furler I've dealt with, which includes one Capri-18, and three C-22's I've purchased with CDI furlers. The movement issue happens when the mast is being raised or lowered. Once the mast is up, and the forestay is secured, the toggles have no advantage. Think of the toggle as a universal joint. The toggle allows the forestay to move forward and backward, just like the original nicopress loop. But the toggle also allows the forestay to move side to side also. And I haven't even gotten into the issues I've had with the plastic luff extrusion on trailered boats. But again I have to say, my friend LOVES his CDI furler, but he never takes the mast down, and it's been up for years.
Improper installation of the Flexible Furler or improper reinstallation of the
forestay can cause failure of the forestay, and could result in the loss of the
mast and injury to crew members.
You must use toggles at both ends of the forestay. Improper toggling
may cause the forestay to fatigue due to bending stresses.
1. All clevis pins and cotter pins (especially turnbuckle cotter pins)
removed during installation must be replaced.
2. Turnbuckle threads must have full engagement.
3. Make sure your furler rotates freely.
4. The luff and the inside of the drum must not touch the turnbuckle
body. If they touch, furling may unscrew the turnbuckle.
5. The luff support pin must be installed, or the turnbuckle will unscrew
and cause dismasting.
6. Insure that the bearing is not jammed, as winching with a jammed
bearing will transmit torsional loads to the turnbuckle which could lead
to failure.
7. There must be at least 3” clearance on the sides and above the
halyard top fitting.
1. Never winch the unit without checking for jams or snarls. Winching
against an obstruction can sever or cause hidden damage to your
2. Keep your unused halyards flipped to the after side of your spreaders
and lightly tensioned.
3. If the unit becomes hard to furl, investigate and correct the cause.
Failure to do so can lead to the failure of the forestay.
The Flexible Furler is NOT designed to be used while your boat is in the
water and passing under low clearance obstructions (bridges, power lines,
etc.) with mast tipped forward and headstay attached to the bow. Lowering
the mast in this manner is dangerous even without a furler, and can be
further complicated by the weight of the furler and the sail.
“This product is intended for use only on sailboats having masts
fixed vertically in place at all times while the boat is in the water,
wherein the mast may only be lowered in accordance with the boat
manufacturer’s instructions when the boat is on land. Any other
use of the product constitutes misuse, and may result in
damage to the product, and/or serious injury to the user.”