The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Also to mentioned are plain old cursed highways..

Hwy 491 through Ship Rock NM used to be Hwy 666 :eek:

This Satanic connotation, combined with a high fatality rate along the New Mexico portion, convinced some people the highway was cursed
They had to change the name (plus I guess there was a problem with the road signs getting stolen)

I drive this once or twice a year.. I had heard about the name change from someone - guess it is true..

picture.. why I like LED trailer lights..


Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
The road number has been changed for a while now. It really had nothing to do with the 666 designation (in my opinion) simply the high DWI rate. I live close, drive that highway regularly, and know of what I speak. Much of it is 4 lane now, which also helps.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
I hear you, Sumner, I was in Monticello today and even saw a few milling around toward Moab and the La Sals.
They are all over town in Monticello. I have them come in and eat the apples but they are gone by day break but not their hoof marks. When I left at 6 am a week and a half ago for Florida 2 were a block from the house and another 10 miles south of town in the middle of the road but going south is way better than going towards Monticello. If I drive that with the street rod at night it is usually at 45-50 in the middle of the road unless a car is coming. Can't get replacement fenders and such for it :cry:

You'll have to drop into Blanding when I'm home for a visit,


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Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
I have my LED lights on the fenders too. Not sure if it's legal having them so far up from the back.
I stayed in Moab for a night once. The clutch broke on my buddy's car that I was delivering to Reno. (I took the scenic route from Ontario to Reno. Via New Orleans.) The clutch broke in Snowflake (Pop 500) but it broke engaged so I kept driving to Moab (Pop 5000). My girlfriend and I stayed in a 2 story Motel with a long communal balcony. It had a pool. I remember seeing something on the bottom pool form the balcony and went to take a look.
It was a full R side..... Prosthetic leg! I didn't tell my girlfriend when I went back to the room. She was just heading out to go for a swim as I returned. About 2 min later.....
The car was fixed late the next day and we got to drive through the Navaho reservation at night.
It was beautiful! All the ditches along the road shone and sparkled. I even stopped and used the flashlight to see what was causing it to do that.
Broken glass. I'm not sure ware all the glass comes from but it's really pretty at night.
The leg in the pool was weird. So was what we saw in the ditches. But the trucks parked out in the middle of nowhere with a guy sitting on a lawn chair facing the open back of the truck took some thinking. I figured it out after the 3rd truck and guy. There were other people sitting with this guy and when I passed and looked back I could see a generator and a small satellite dish on the far side of the truck.
They were watching TV!
We drove highway 50 as well. Had to stop for a lady with a hard hat, orange vest and a stop sign in the middle nowhere. We were the first and only car. For 45 min! I thought it was some mean practical joke this lady was playing on tourists. (I asked her 3 times... You got to be shi.... me was the last time.) Then another car pulled up from behind and just waited... Total wait time was 1:15 before we got to follow an old truck with a spray painted plywood sign that said "Follow Me". There was road work happening about 20 min away from that lady.
I loved that trip!
I'd drive the 50 in a second now with the cars I have today. I want to see if they really only do 237 km/h.
I don't think they would do that with a boat behind... I don't think the trailer would last...



Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
........It was beautiful! All the ditches along the road shone and sparkled. I even stopped and used the flashlight to see what was causing it to do that.
Broken glass. I'm not sure ware all the glass comes from but it's really pretty at night.....................
It is illegal to have alcohol on the reservation so they drink on the way home and throw the bottles out. I do not like to drive there at night since there are a lot of drinking caused accidents but some in the day also. I disagree with the no alcohol and think if it was allowed they might not bing drink driving from off the reservation and back onto it. They could just take the alcohol home and drink there and not worry about being prosecuted. There is hardly a Navajo family that I know of that hasn't been touch by the loss of someone due to the alcohol and driving bit. I had a number of female Navajo's work in my trading post. All good people.

.......We drove highway 50 as well..........I loved that trip!
I'd drive the 50 in a second now with the cars I have today. I want to see if they really only do 237 km/h.
I don't think they would do that with a boat behind... I don't think the trailer would last...
Been across the 'loneliest highway in America' (50) a couple times. You are right it is a nice drive. If you make it spend the night in "lost in Austin",


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Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
You'll have to drop into Blanding when I'm home for a visit,

I'll definitely do that! Shoot me a PM when you're headed back and we'll figure it out. I'm in the 4 Corners 80% of the time so it shouldn't be difficult.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Finding, great story!! The only thing that would have made it better is if the you had noticed that the delay lady on Hwy 50 had the same exact prosthetic leg that you saw at the bottom of the pool in Moab... (Im hearing the theme song to Twilight Zone...)

Snowflake to Moab with a broken clutch.. to be young again.. :D


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
I'll definitely do that! Shoot me a PM when you're headed back and we'll figure it out. I'm in the 4 Corners 80% of the time so it shouldn't be difficult.
Might not be to late spring and by then I might forget so if you see me posting from home send me a reminder. Where are you when there? Cortez, Farmington, Durango?


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Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Might not be to late spring and by then I might forget so if you see me posting from home send me a reminder. Where are you when there? Cortez, Farmington, Durango?

Sure, no problem. I'm in Farmington, but work throughout the entire 4 Corners and beyond.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
keeping this on topic (lol)..

In the late 80's, maybe early 90's or so, we used to go to some small lake near Farmington that was kept warm by a power plant and windsurf. We would go dang near in the middle of winter and sometimes you would be windsurfing on a plane with a lot of steam rising off the lake - could barely see where you were going. I think we camped right on the shore.. This was a winter destination place for windsurfers who would drive a long ways to sail there. I found out about it from one of the windsurf sailing magazines.
Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Yep, that's Morgan Lake and it's still there. The wife and I used to kayak there a great deal because the water is almost always 70 degrees, so it's a great place to practice rolling/rescue drills. I've sailed my small boats there. You have to watch the weather, though, as it can sneak up and get nasty in a hurry. Had one really close call in my Lido 14 once. I used to love playing out there in my sea kayak when things got really rough!
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
As for the trailer lights on the fender. I don't know the law either but I've had numerous occasions where the cops followed me until they had room to pass and never once thought twice.

I have never followed my boat but have parked behind it in my driveway and even though the lights weren't on, I could easily see them until I was much closer than even a tailgater would ever be.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
As for the trailer lights on the fender. I don't know the law either but I've had numerous occasions where the cops followed me until they had room to pass and never once thought twice.

I have never followed my boat but have parked behind it in my driveway and even though the lights weren't on, I could easily see them until I was much closer than even a tailgater would ever be.
There are stipulations as to how far behind your tailights something can protrude, without needing a flag, at least.

But cops usually aren't looking for technicalities, more so unsafe behavior.

I think. ;)
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
I wouldn't hang my hat on that ? I got pulled over once and read the riot act when the guy was hiding right behind the Mac, and claiming that I should have seen him. (Dorky, cheesy move)

Interpretation of the rules is apparently up for debate.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Were you ticketed, or just "read the riot act"?

Of course, sometimes there are (or used to be) quotas to be maintained. ;)

And not all police officers are as law savvy as we'd like, or are led to believe.

Riding my road bicycle in the bustling little town of Lake Orion, MI, I was pulled over and "read the riot act" when I occupied the left turn lane, to make a left turn!

Perfectly legal, but I just looked at him, saying "Yes, sir".

He ultimately did back down. Sometimes, it's just a need to project power and authority.
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
I think the guy just wanted to look at the Mac. It was on the initial trip home from the dealership, being all glossy and bright. Funny how the towing mirrors provided by GM on their "towing equipped" trucks at the time couldn't detect a car trying to hide under the overhang behind the axle.
No ticket. These days, I think I would not have been so accommodating to his request. He was driving in a dangerous and somewhat reckless manner, funny how you recall stuff from 20 years ago.......
Aug 1, 2011
Catalina 270 255 Wabamun. Welcome to the marina
I'm not convinced that the application of the regulations is applied in a consistent and equitable manner. I had a guy once try to tell me that the Mac trailer, the FACTORY trailer, with upgraded lights, safety striping, welded in shackles for tie downs, and side rails wasn't legal. The trailer was completely painted, shiny with no rust showing whatsoever and clearly displayed the factory applied decals.

This was, by the way, at a place where I've heard a story about an official demanding to see boating licenses from people standing in the parking lot.

There's a limit folks. :)
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Today, I swapped out the old wheel bearings on my trailer for new ones.

Big 'ol black widow hiding out in the right brake housing. I let her be, but cleaned out her web, egg sac, and the remnants of her last meal.

Monday, I'll reinstate the liability insurance that the Mexican gov't requires. :cussing:

Been much too long.
