The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!

Nov 26, 2012
Catalina 250 Bodega Bay CA
Enjoyed the video. It was especially cool for us as we have an RV site in Havasu area and fish the Colorado each winter using inflatable kayaks and ice poles for casting under the reeds. Have caught lots of Large mouth bass down there! Chief
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
Thanks Sumner! I love how detailed your mods are. Great work!
I have decided to put the bunks in the V shape. The back ones I will do the same V but not yet.
I'm going to use the rollers to get it to the storage yard. The boat needs bottom work so I'm going to remove it from the trailer then and do the rear bunks then. I'll also redo the front bunks at the same time. (I have use of a boat lift so I can set it up properly.)
The trailer is galvanized. So I can't weld it with my small 110 stick welder. (Not welds that I would trust anyway.) So I'm drilling holes and bolting things together for now.
This Saturday the boat will be lifted and placed on the trailer with a yard lift. I will get it placed properly and then set the bunks and rollers to fit properly.
It looks like the major support for the hull on the S,D ,C boats is ware the ballast and hull connect. That's why the V bunks. And not the --- bunks like the 25 that had stringers and inside support.
This new boat suffers form being put on the wrong trailer...
Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Started unloading everything and getting her ready for another boring winter. I have a few more mods/upgrades planned, but they will have to wait for spring.
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
I did get to the trailer today. I mocked up the front bunk. So It's going to look kind of like that. It will be adjusted to fit properly when I put the boat on.
I ground off the bolts holding on the middle rollers. They were really rusted and I broke one when I was trying to remove it. So I decided to cut the rest. I'll get new bolts tomorrow. (I will keep the bottom rollers just as a little added support. (DON'T try and support your boat on the bottom center! Very bad things happen!)
I reattached the ball hitch with proper size bolts too. It was loose!

Walt those videos are great. It looks like allot of fun sailing those little Hobie things!


Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
I also like how sum lifted those bunks. I was thinking I need to do the same thing but my only solution was to switch from a 2x4 to a 4x4. The main reason I wanted to do it is because I put new fenders on and they are too close for comfort with the hull. Looks like I could simply make bushings out of 1 1/2" pipe.

I wish I had a welder and thought about buying a cheap one at HF. My goal posts broke off and I have been running without them. Makes it a little more difficult to load but that's about it. Since the boat is now on the trailer it could be mocked up easy enough and I can either bolt it or take it somewhere to have welded.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
I also like how sum lifted those bunks. I was thinking I need to do the same thing but my only solution was to switch from a 2x4 to a 4x4. The main reason I wanted to do it is because I put new fenders on and they are too close for comfort with the hull. Looks like I could simply make bushings out of 1 1/2" pipe.....

I did a quick job of raising them up in Canada... Trips-2-Priest/08-09-8-priest-koot.html

.... when it looked like the bottom of the boat might hit the axle since it was very close and we had one stretch of road under-construction in Idaho that was very rough as they had tore the pavement out. Trips-2-Priest/08-09-8-priest-koot.html

...That was with the trailer in the original one axle mode and like you said now with two axles and a different fender I kept about the same height with the spacers.

The pipe might work but it possibly could move around with the large center. Not sure if they ship up there or the cost but some solid aluminum round bar stock from would be a better solution. It would be a pain to cut by hand but a shop probably wouldn't charge much to cut some lengths off to your measurements and then you could drill the center hole. Might or might not work for what you had in mind,


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Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
Sumner. "we had one stretch of road under-construction in Idaho that was very rough as they had tore the pavement out."

That's because they were probably picking the potatoes....

Doc mentioned the fender height. It got me thinking. This trailer the boat will sit way up in the air because of now narrow it is. 5' between them. I have to keep it up over the fenders. With the way I have calculated it will be fine with the bunks like the mock up one above.
I got the hardware to bolt the bottom rollers back on today after work. But it was dark when I got home so I didn't put them on.
I'm going to get some carpet for them tomorrow after work and may as well cut them to fit and glue and screw them together.
Apr 21, 2014
MacGregor Venture 22 Launched, San Diego,CA
Fellow Submariner

A friend brought his ladder down and we strapped it to the mast and I climbed up and replaced the cotter ring then we sailed on his boat for a while.
I am in the process of modiying my trailer to conform to State laws. I intended to put a light bar to atach the tail/stop light license plate and then hang it from the transom. What I plan to do now is make the bar like a ladder 7"-2" with a wire socket so I can move it. Great for getting in and out of the boat when it is on the trailer. I may try to use it to raise my mast.
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
Ok so that's not pipe but rather solid stock. Surely I can find some local here and do as you said.

Mine isn't a double axle, it's all original except the fenders which I replaced this year. I bought them at northern tool and then used angle iron and bolts like the originals. My local Midas has a guy who is a decent welder. I take little projects to him here and there, put some cash in the charity box and tip him and it gets done pretty quick. They always laugh when I pull in because they know I'm not there to get my truck serviced. I do let them do minor stuff to the kid's cars to keep them humored.

If I take the whole trailer in and have them put the goal posts on, it will cost more but less than me buying a welder. I just haven't decided on a design yet although I like yours it's overkill for my seasonal usage since my boat is slipped all summer. It has to be rigid enough because that's a lot of movement on a vibrating trailer.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
....If I take the whole trailer in and have them put the goal posts on, it will cost more but less than me buying a welder....
I've always bought the tool even if it is a little more than paying for it to get done. The next time the tool is free and I've learned a new skill. Once you have a welder you start finding all kinds of jobs for it. I started with an AC stick welder I bought for $75 from a school district but still had to buy the cables. Still have it but haven't used it in maybe 25 years but will keep it for that 'just in case' I have to weld something rusty.

I have lots of HF tools including a large mill and lathe but not one of their welders (Miller mig and Lincoln tig) but have considered one of their 110 migs to haul up to the races with us. I haven't checked to see if people are happy or not with those. I would consider one for light occasional work but for as much as I weld I'll stick with Miller or Lincoln for that.

..... I just haven't decided on a design yet although I like yours it's overkill for my seasonal usage since my boat is slipped all summer....
For what you are doing I'd also stick with the stock trailer or a simple one. We knew we were going to trailer thousands of miles and launch in unknown conditions,


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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
I have a Mig welder - runs off 220V. I also have a busted post on my trailer.. but small problem.. the welder and boat are over 800 miles apart.

I think I may be in the minority but except for the need to do the mac bump, I think the trailer that comes original on the 26S is a clever design for what that boat does exceptionally well. Even though the boat is 26 foot (although by far the "smallest" 26 foot boat), it is super easy to setup and launch. I have never felt I needed a tongue extension and it goes on and off the trailer easier than a 16 foot sailboat I used to have. The manufacture also made it economical to trailer with water ballast and a light boat (not carrying around the ballast on the road) - pulling weight has a cost in fuel and the number of times you have to stop. I have raised my boat a little by going to 15 inch wheels (boat sits higher by 1/2 inch) and in the old promotional video I believe it says that for every inch the boat sits higher on the trailer you have to back it in an additional 9 inches.

I have a 1990 26S trailer (with the ladder up front) so will have to check to see if there is any evidence of the boat hitting the axle. I’m fairly sure there is none at all and the trailer is now about 25 years old and I have put at least 10K miles on it myself - its seen some rough roads but I also dont over load the boat for trailering. I don’t think there is any need to raise it..just keep it light when you tow as that is what the boat does exceptionally well - part of the reason for having the water ballast in the first place. According to the brochure video, raising the boat 1.5 inches means backing it an additional 13 inches at the ramp. Plus it changes the geometry of the bow strap - you will have to mess with that also.
Apr 21, 2014
MacGregor Venture 22 Launched, San Diego,CA
For trailer info Re: boat guides etc. check with E-Trailer they are very knowledgable and even have videos for free on DIY upkeep, their staff will answer your questions by a live person. I was building a trailer and needed to replace the bearing seals on an old axle I had they had all the answers.
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
I have used the same thoughts as Sumner when it comes to buying the tool over paying to have something done. I take the opportunity to learn a new skill. Just like buying a sewing machine... YouTube tough me how to use it. (I rebuilt my Saab motor last fall. I now have the tools to drive a little harder.)
I have a 110 Hobart mig ($60) and a 110 ($18) off brand stick welders. They both are good for small jobs. Not building trailers. (I did repair a spring shackle on one trailer with the mig once. It didn't hold for a few reasons. I didn't know what wire was in the machine... some rust, and I ran out of Argon...)
The stick is ok for thin metal. 1/8 tops.
I have used a SnapOn 110 mig and was really impressed with how well it worked!
I'm going to build the bunks tonight and hope to paint them too. The wood did sit out in the rain today though... The wet should help the thinned Tremclad penetrate. Or not.
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
Just got in from building and painting my bunks.
I didn't put wood on the rear roller holders. No point. The rollers go = not ll like I need. So I painted them.
I will take some tools on Sat to build bunks if I don't like how the rollers are set. I don't think they are needed if I set the bottom set of rollers along the ballast tank and hull seam. I can always zip out and get 2, 2x4's and build the same type as the front if needed.
Tomorrow I will get the angle iron I need for the bunk holders. Drill holes and paint.

Always more on my blog. Link below.


Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
"Rethunk bunks". "...a strict diet of meat and waffles."

I love it!

Sorry to hear about the piñata incident.
I don't believe I've ever attended a piñata beating where someone didn't get hurt.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
"Rethunk bunks". "...a strict diet of meat and waffles."

I love it!

Sorry to hear about the piñata incident.
I don't believe I've ever attended a piñata beating where someone didn't get hurt.

LOL! Usually because Tequila is involved :)
Apr 21, 2014
MacGregor Venture 22 Launched, San Diego,CA
You can weld galvanize, grind the area,use 6013 rod and while it is still hot there is a material that is compatable with the galvanized coating it is a zinc alloy ground to a powder with flux contained in a jar much like tinning solder for copper you can paint it on and then melt it with a torch and you will have a galvanized coating. Don't breath the dust when grinding or the smoke vapors when welding. wear a mask and drink milk.
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
I'd weld but my 110 welder is too small for this job. It's maybe ok for 1/8 material but I'd want to break some welds to test first.
I don't want a boat falling off a trailer.
Pinatas at a kids party... May as well have had snakes and alligators too...
Billy I'm going to blind fold you and you tell me what has hold of your arm. No crying allowed.
I got bit by a dog today at work! (During the day I play a delivery agent in this mystical place called Wortley Village.) It was a big dog. German Shepard poked a hole in my leg. With his teeth too. He did spit me out when he saw the fist coming towards his head.
Everyone tells me it's going to hurt more tomorrow so I went home and took a couple ibuprofen and worked on the trailer.
I got the center rollers bolted back on and installed a spare tire holder. ($11.99 at Princess Auto.) I put the spare tire on too.
I couldn't put the carpet on the new bunks because the paint is still wet... Tomorrow wet or dry.
The grizzly pictures are in the blog. Below.
Here is the trailer.
