The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!


Jul 29, 2009
Mac Mac 26D Suwannee
Tonight I started working on my new electrical panels. I'm sick of digging under the table for the switches, and also sick of breaking the switches by hitting them with things stored under the table. That panel is just gonna be circuit breakers now, with a protective rim around the edge, and the actual switches will go up high where you can access them easily.

Also dropped these off at the galvanizing shop.

StinkBug, how much for the Anchors?


Jul 29, 2009
Mac Mac 26D Suwannee
made a new 5/32 X 1x19 Forestay and a quick release (Johnson Lever style) to get the forstay hooked up and correct tennsion faster.
Snap-shackles on the life lines to the Combing rail, makes it a bit better to get N & Out w/the Bimini up, 1 on the Backstay and 2 on the Mast-raising
block& tackle, and mounted/stowed the Mast-raising pole to the Starboard stanchions < tired of it eventually getten lost under the clutter of a wks worth of sailing::doh:
Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Raised the mast and unloaded her so I could start work. Went through the on-board battery charger and shore power to make sure everything was ready. I still have a million things to do, but at least now I can get into it.
Apr 29, 2010
MacGregor m25 Erieau, Ontario, Canada
Can you post pics of your strut mod? I'm curious how you mounted them - have seen several different methods. I bought a pair of struts last fall and have not installed the yet. Last summer the poptop fell and gave my wife a concussion - not good.

Sorry to take so long to get back to you Chris. This working for a living thing sucks.

Anyhow, here's some pictures of what I did.

The mid pic is the important one. As you can see, I angled the strut connection to avoid putting holes where the companion way hatch cover slides are. The third pic shows one of the bolt fasteners for the wood rails on top. This angle limits both the height of lift of the pop top and the ability of the struts to hold the top up.

What I'm going to do is flip the heads around so they point to the outside instead of the inside and rebolt them to the outside of the hatchway slides (and patch the brand new holes I drilled in my companionway hatch).

This will put the struts straight fore and aft which should increase their strength and stroke length.


Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Started wet sanding my hull for fresh coat of Pettit Vivid bottom paint. Waiting for the paint to arrive for next weekend. Replaced my broken transom transponder bracket.
Ordering a new pair of 26X aft rails. With a little tweaking, they will fit my 26S. Then on to extending the lifelines and adding clips.
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
Let me know how the rails work.

I sanded down my tiller handle. Last year I did it and didn't put the right kind of poly on it. This time I wiped on some gunstock stain and then used helmsmen spar poly. I'll put 3-4 coats on

While I had the sander, poly and stain out, I quickly sanded the age off the transport mast support and put some stain and poly on it too


Jun 12, 2011
MacGregor 25 San Pedro
Opened styrofoam up under v berth and installed 3" pvc ring to hold the transponder. Melted toilet bowl wax to bed it, but saw I needed another "box" of wax, so that's next week.

Got a unbelievable auto steering setup from John on the list, now I need to figure out how to install it. Far more complicated than I expected.

Apr 29, 2010
MacGregor m25 Erieau, Ontario, Canada
This weekend was all about adding an anchor/navigation tri light to the mast, a second slab reef point setup and lazy jacks.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Mountain pond trying to thaw out yesterday (South Park CO). I towed the trailer in the last picture 100 miles, meter on the dash said I got just under 30 mpg while towing.


Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Let me know how the rails work.

This is how they would look Doc. I contacted the friend of the person who did this and she contacted him. They do have to be tweaked a little to fit. It gives me the lifeline extension that the admiral insists on without the interference issue of the swim ladder. Plus I can clip my external speaker to them. They are half the price of a stern rail!!

I welcome comments and suggestions

Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
Sighed when I opened my dinghy bag and found the dinghy I picked up in the winter too sun damaged to use.... (It was -20c when I got it and it wouldn't get out of the bag when frozen like that.)
It's for sale now. I mentioned in the add that it needs repairs. Unlike the power boater that sold it to me.


May 16, 2011
Macgregor V-25 Charlton, MA- Trailer
Trailer complete after grinding, two coats of POR15, new marker lights and a three light bar fastened to the rear cross support.

Keel POR15'd and with help from my first mate Grace installed back in the Tsatz. I had a couple rubs on the keel locker from the rusty keel so I epoxied a strip of glass on both sides to take the beating. I also put a layer of epoxy on the rotating wear surfaces and leading edge of the keel. Butyl tape on the rubber washer of the pivot bolt for water proofing. Bolt and hardware wire wheeled to shiny new. Cable inspection proved good as did the fairlead in the trunk. After four years it still looks like new. Hardware looked like I just put it on. I can't forget to put a sponge in the tube to keep the water out.

Next is the mast raising system.



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Last week I bought a Garmin GPSmaps 62S and one of the reasons was that I wanted a "trip odometer" for my Hobie AI and 15 foot dingy. I have a Lowrance Elite 4 on the dingy and "mostly" like it. It’s mounted on the boat in the rear and it generally tells me the boat speed, water depth, battery voltage (this is the only voltage meter on this boat) and water temp. The Lowrance has a map feature which I normally don’t use and it is also almost impossible to see details on when I’m sailing but I like having this just as a backup.

One other thing I wanted in these instruments is to tell my average speed and max speed. Last Friday I took this dingy out (in the pictures) and had both the Lowrance and the Garmin on board. Both had the distance sailed (over 15 miles) and the average speed close to the same.

However, the Lowrance is not good for peak speed. This dingy at 15 foot has a theoretical hull speed of 5.18 knots but it likes to plane. After the days sailing, I checked the peak speed on both the Lowrance and the Garmin

Garmin 7.13 knots
Lowrance 22.7 knots

The Garmin is very believable and I think accurate. The Lowrance.. well... the number sounds better. I still like the Lowrance for all the other stuff it does well and at a low power draw.

FYI, the second picture has a Mac 26S in it.


Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
Decided to knock out the galley project. You can see where I started last year and never finished, I ripped it all out and started over. Included is the stainless steel bowl sink I made out of a high end mixing bowl and small drain assembly. I still have some trim work to do. First pic is where I was last year...

The last one gives an idea of what it looks like with the new cushions


Apr 24, 2006
Aloha 32 Toronto, Lake Ontario
Sorry to take so long to get back to you Chris. This working for a living thing sucks. Anyhow, here's some pictures of what I did. The mid pic is the important one. As you can see, I angled the strut connection to avoid putting holes where the companion way hatch cover slides are. The third pic shows one of the bolt fasteners for the wood rails on top. This angle limits both the height of lift of the pop top and the ability of the struts to hold the top up. What I'm going to do is flip the heads around so they point to the outside instead of the inside and rebolt them to the outside of the hatchway slides (and patch the brand new holes I drilled in my companionway hatch). This will put the struts straight fore and aft which should increase their strength and stroke length.
Thanks for the pics. Hope to get the boat home soon and start working on this.

I hear you about having to work - I'm not retired either...
