You won't believe this one

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paul s.

i am in need of a mast for a hunter 26. won't even start to tell you why....any suggestions this side of a second loan on my house?


questions, questions, questions

paul where do you live, it isn't like you can stick some stamps on it and mail it, in St. Pete florida, we have several places you can get the right length mast. but you may be up in oshcosh wisc.


Inquiring Minds Want To Know

As the old saying goes: "No Tickey No Washy". Fess up!! S/V "Never Say Never"

Carl Bader

I probably did the same thing!

I just postted my mistake. Check OUCH post. So can one of you guys give me an answer. I don't mind looking stupid, it was a mistake. I looked more stupid standing on top of my boat chewing myself out after it happened. What a morron, I thought. But at least no one was hurt. Carl S/V Wind Shadow

paul s.

ok, now the truth

i and my lawyer (knew there was a reason to bring him along) were lowering the mast and it got away from us (and yes, we checked the manual several times), the mast went side ways and twisted, snapping the mast off at the base.

Jon Bastien

US SPars?

I'm not sure, but I think I saw somewhere that this mast was made by US Spars in Gainesville... And no worries, You're not the first trailer-sailor to accidentally drop it! When the mast for my H23 got away from me, the only part that needed replacing (besides my pride) was the base casting. It may be easier and cheaper than you think... US Spars can be found at . --Jon Bastien H25 'Adagio'

Gary Scheier

It's common

It's a common problem with Hobie Cat sailors. Fortunately (knock on the trampoline) they take a lickin' but keep on hoistin'.

Al Sandrik

That's all you did!

Shoot that's nothing. My ex and I were on our first date and I took her out on my 16 foot AMF Trac 16 ( Cat for those not familar with the boat ). I noted a thunderstorm on the horizon and said its time to head back to the beach. When we beached her I went to my friend's beach rental shack to get myCat Tracs to haul the boat up the beach and found him having a heart attack (he's fine now). I the time it took to get the Paramedics there and get him off to the hospital the squall hit. I saw the main fill on the boat and said what the H@!!? My Ex was worried that the luffing main was going to injure some children around be boat and hauled in on the mainsheet to stop the luffing. This was fine in 2-5 knots of light Air but the next thing I knew the boat was airborne and inverted (no joke). It landed mast first and still sits in my yard today broken in three places. The boat itself was swept to sea and we needed to tow it in that afternoon. After this first day, I should have known better.
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