Yanmar Fuel Consumption - H450

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Rick Kirby

I'm planning a trip from San Juan to Key West on a Hunter 450 with a Yanmar 76 HP Diesel... Does anybody out there know approx fuel consumption amounts @ given RPM's. Thanks



I guess about 3 gallons per hr,but that is why you bought a sailboat.Generator about .9 GPH. I have a 450 and it takes more to heat it.

Mark Johnson

My experience is....

about 1 1/2 p/hr without generator and about 2 gal/hr with some generator use. I too have the 76hp on my 460, and the last time I checked it was right about there. I cruise at 3000rpm, so if you were to cruise at 2500 you would save on fuel usage. I don't know how much, but I would guess about 1/2 gallon per hour.

Shawn Severn

More than you think

I have the 72 h Volvo in my 450. At 2200 RPM I burn about 1.2 per hour. At 2800 to 3000, the engine burns 2.5 to 3 gals per hour. The burn rate goes up if you are pushing through waves. My experience is pushing through waves will increase your consumption rate by 25%. The Yanmar should be pretty similar. Also note that you only have about 75 useful gallons on board. The bottom of the fuel tank is flat. If the sea is calm you can probably get about 80 gallons out of the tank. If your bouncing around you really only have about 75 gallons before you start sucking air. Generally, I figure my range using the iron genny is around 200 miles (75 gals/3 gal/h X 6.5 kn/h) give or take a little. Shawn

Wil Rogers

pull and push

Here my .02 cents: I have a 76 hp Yanmar on my 460 (similiar weight of 450) @ 2500 1.5 g/l @ 2800 1.7 g/l @ 3000 2.3 g/l Don't run your engine below 2500 rpm. It will carbonize your turbo charger (turbo charger gear and exhaust system) I raise the mainsail (if it makes sense =;->) to sabilize the boat. Sometimes I'll get out a better speed and decrease my consumption (avg 0.2, 0.3 g/l). But don't run your engine idle or below 2500 rpm for a longer period of time. "More right rudder" Wil

Mark Johnson

Don't check everytime, but....

I've checked numerous times since I first got our boat, and each time I have checked we have never burned more than 2 gallons per hour cruising at 3000rpm. I wouldn't swear to it, but I do believe that the Volvo's are less fuel efficient than the Yanmars.
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