Winterizing our 23.5 water ballast

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I am wondering if there is anything specific I need to know or do when I winterize my 1994 23.5 water ballasted Hunter! Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Calgary, Canada
What I do...

You didn't say if you're talking about leaving it in the water or taking it out. I don't know where Janesville is so I can't guess. If you leave it in the water, there have been many discussions here about that. I think the usual advice is to not take the chance if you have freezing weather and pull the boat out of the water. That's what I do, but I live in Canada. I've stored mine for two winters now and I just do what the H23.5 manual says: - open the ballast value - put the boat on the trailer - pull it up the ramp a few feet - watch the water drain out - park the boat and trailer for the winter, leaving the ballast valve _open_ - pout and sulk and cry for 8 months of winter where temperatures can reach almost 40 degrees below zero. -40 is the same in celcius and fahrenheit, so take your pick! Seriously, the only trick is to leave the value open as the manual says. Don't forget to empty the water tank that feeds the sink. I put the battery and outboard in my unheated garage after following the engine draining instructions in the outboard's manual. ...RickM...


Jun 7, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Janesville

Thanks Rick! janesville is in Wisconsin but we have those cold days too, yet not as many as in Canada! Happy Sailing
Jun 3, 2004
- - -

Plenty cold in Minnesota too... You might also want to take your cushions out and put them in the basement or some place where they will stay clean and dry for the winter. You can run a gasoline stabilizer through the last tank full of gas and you won't even have to drain the tank when you put the engine away for the winter. I leave mine standing upright in the basement from the end of October through the middle of April and it starts right up.
Jun 1, 2004
- - Waukegan
Repair/wish List

I do all that Rick suggested and then go over the boat and make a list of things that need repair or assess what I need for add ons nexts season. Consider sending the sails to a loft for inspection/minor repair theat way you won't get surprised next spring.
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